Monday 26 December 2016

Dental Implants – Everything you need to know about the procedure

dental implants in Sydney
Dental implants are an immediate solution for replacement of missing teeth. The best professionals you could count on for placing dental implants include periodontist, oral surgeon as well as general dentists having good training on dental implants in Sydney. Such experts would place crowns, dentures and bridges, which will all look just like natural teeth. Here are some interesting and unknown facts about dental implants in Sydney. 

1.     Before placing an implant:

Before placing a dental implant, it is essential to determine if you are a good candidate or not. Fortunately, most of them are deemed to be good candidates to avail the treatment. Having enough bone density is a must in order to keep dental implants intact. That said, dental implants are not recommended for those involved in the following activities or conditions:
  1. Smoking
  2. Uncontrolled Diabetes
  3. Autoimmune Diseases
  4. Radiation Therapy for head and neck
Visit a dental professional who will analyse your condition and examine if you will qualify for dental implants or not. Dental implants are ideal for those who have missing teeth for several years, as well as for people who have lost their teeth due to gum diseases or infection. If you don’t have enough bone density, help is at hand as dentists will perform bone grafting procedure to make implants compatible for you. 

2.    Placing of implants: 

Placing dental implants is a two-step process.

During the initial step, the dentist or surgeon will use local anaesthesia and sedation if needed. The surgeon will make a cut on the gum to expose the bone and a hole would be drilled to place the implants. To make sure the implant is placed in the right way, an X-ray would be taken for examining the same.

The time required for completing this process depends on two factors: the number of implants placed, requirement of placing bone graft during the process.

Implants must have been integrated with the bone by this time, which means you’re good to go with the second step. After administering local anaesthesia, the implant is exposed. The protective screw will be removed and replaced with a metal healing cap.

It is only in the rarest of cases that dental implants do not successfully integrate with the jaw bone. In that case, your oral surgeon might remove the implants and replace them with slightly wider ones or place grafts to fill up the empty spaces to make the procedure even more successful. 

3.    Aftercare: 

Once the dental implants procedure is done with, it is normal to feel some discomfort. However, be informed that recovery times can vary from person to person. One of the major keys to a successful recovery is to maintain good oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene can create problems such as infections that will slow down the process of healing. 

Click Here to know more interesting and unknown facts about dental implants in Sydney. 

About Dr Paulo Pinho: 

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Sunday 6 November 2016

Why Dentures Are Losing Traction To Teeth Implants Today?

Dental implants cost in Sydney
Exceedingly popular options a few decades ago, dentures were the go-to substitute for people who had lost their teeth. However, recent times have seen a change with modern dentistry bringing new and improved alternatives like implants. Take a look at a few reasons why dentures seem to be losing traction as people prefer the low cost of dental implants in Sydney.

Outmoded options today

People seldom opt for an older version and model of automobile when there are newer and more advanced options available in the market. Dentures are facing the same problem with the advent of the exciting tooth implants. Since they were all the rage about 20 to 30 years ago, the youth of today is not accustomed to wearing them and even lacks awareness about them.

The advanced implants on the other hand, can be installed by being screwed on to the person’s jaw plate. This proffers a whole new level of stability and durability that dentures were never able to bring to the table.

Improved oral care

In the late 80’s and early 90’s these were a sought after solution because they were a great help to people who had lost all their pearly whites. However, oral care has evolved today to a stage where people are very much in tuned to their teeth cleaning needs. People make and keep regular dental appointments right from children to seniors, which ensure longevity for original teeth.

Adults are mindful of their diets and they make sure to include calcium for excellent tooth and bone health and even ensure that they are drinking uncontaminated water, so as to avoid discoloured teeth and other oral issues.

The stigma attached to dentures

A significant part of the populace opined that dentures are mainly meant for seniors. Dentists suggest opting for them when most of your pearly whites have fallen away due to age, cavities or a mishap. But the fact that younger patients could not connect to the solution is one of the reasons why it has lost popularity. Moreover, the youth notices seniors sporting them and are lured towards more appealing options.

Uncomfortable and unappealing

While dental implants integrate into the jaw plate to be strong and comfortable, they are quite desirable for seniors who are exhausted by their dentures popping out all of a sudden. Dentures can also be quite uncomfortable to slip on to your gums before every meal, and they can affect the way you smile and hamper your speech to some extent.

Inconvenient and proffer cleaning hassles

Implants are a more aesthetically pleasing option that avoids most of the denture hurdles. Since the latter present mundane removal and cleaning tasks; they are fast becoming obsolete to prosthetic teeth that are not only convenient but also permanent.

When next you get into the dentist’s chair, do find out the dental implants cost in Sydney and you will be in for a welcome surprise. The relatively affordable pricing offered by dentists for the sturdy implants are making them exceptionally popular as teeth replacements today!

Click Here to know more about dentures and teeth implants in Sydney.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Things You Ought To Know About Your Pearly Whites

best oral surgeon in Sydney

Dentistry was not always as sophisticated as it is in this day and age. Nevertheless, the no matter the ages; people have always been acquainted with the importance of shiny and strong teeth. Right from prehistoric man who first designed prosthetic teeth to children today who still eagerly await the tooth fairy; many cultures are packed full with the importance of teeth.

So, gear up to delve into the history of your pearly whites for these tooth facts are sure to intrigue you.

A fact that few are aware of is that the famous George Washington used prosthetic teeth in the form of dentures. His set was fashioned out of a bizarre range of steel coupled with man and animal incisors to help him regain his lost bite.

People today use gold crowns to decorate their molars. In ancient times, quite a few men tried to fill their pearly whites with precious jewels. Researchers say that the primary objective of this was to further the appeal of their pearly whites.

The dentists of today were not the first people to come up with the ideal of synthetic teeth. The idea originated during the Mayan civilisation’s existence as they thought of alternatives to help people chew their food over two thousand five hundred years earlier. However, since they didn’t have talented dentists of this age at their disposal, their efforts at prosthetic molars remained fairly uncomfortable. Undoubtedly people have better options today with the best oral surgeon in Sydney who can offer solutions to a number of oral woes.

The Mayans even developed a primordial borer that could festoon their pearly whites. Ornamentation was not all they sought for they would even sharpen their incisors and shape them to add to the excitement.

Just as America has a tooth fairy culture to please kids, other nations explore different origins to the same tale. The most intriguing of these is the wily mouse Perez who is the Spanish version of the tooth fairy. While the American folklore states that the fairy blesses your little one with a gift after collecting the first pearly white stored under the cushion; the mouse operates quite differently. Perez collects the fallen pearly white from a tumbler filled with water before leaving a present!

Early on in the 18th century, blacksmiths were the ones who performed teeth removals, as they had the tools for it. Dentistry saw improvement by leaps and bounds in the late 1800’s. This was when people began to study dental science as denizens’ desperately desired some uncomplicated yet safe ways to deal with tooth removal and even get dentures as substitutes for their lost teeth.

The scenario today is vastly encouraging as people can consult with an oral surgeon in Sydney whenever they experience oral issues like tooth ache, bad breath or even have a fallen molar. Moreover, modern inventions like painless dentistry can certainly help children as well as adults when they opt for orthodontic procedures.

Click Here to know more useful tips on your pearly teeth.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Thursday 22 September 2016

How teeth Implants can transform your life

Sought after for their pleasing appearance as much as their functionality; dental implants have long been accepted as the ideal substitutes for your lost pearly whites. Whatever the cause may be that lead to your tooth loss, getting implants as a replacement for your original incisors will mean a great change in your life.

This write-up is intended to help you understand the numerous ways in which artificial teeth have transformed the life of patients.

•    Surveys were conducted where dentists spoke to patients who had just undergone the implant procedure. Their revelations stated that far from being painful, the procedure helped them end the tooth ache that had made them miserable for ages.

•    Some individuals lose their pearly whites at an early age due to ill-fated accidents. In their case, artificial teeth that are stark white and closely resemble your own teeth come as a God send. They help you lead a normal life with no gawking and rude pointing when you smile, for the gaps are now filled with visually pleasing prosthetics.

•    One of the greatest ways implants have transformed lives is by returning seniors the ability of coherent speech.

•    A group of aged individuals over 60 pronounce their substitutes to be more than satisfactory. In fact the artificial teeth returned their lost bite allowing them to savour foods that they had shunned for decades. This is because the prosthetics are incredibly strong and screwed into your mouth to ensure that they are secure. They are just as strong as if not stronger than the pearly whites you were born with.

•    Individuals who had these prosthetics for over two decades remarked that they were as good as new! Far from losing their gleam or even their function, they continue to help the seniors chew even after the surrounding teeth have fallen away. This showcases extreme durability and justifies the cost of dental implants in Sydney, making them all the more appealing to patients.

•    Dentists have declared that implants can work wonders by improving your facial features as well. Since they replace the gaps in your gums, they can reinstate your youthful look to some extent. How this works is that your slightly sagging cheeks as well as your mouth gets a light lift with the added support of prosthetics.

•    Frequent cavities insight tooth ache, foul breath and other such disagreeable problems. Getting implants is a great way to ensure that you no longer have any cavities. Since these are generally made from titanium, they cannot degrade or rot due to germs. This allows you to rest easy knowing that your days of bad breath are behind you, which gives you a better social life.

•    An artificial tooth can regulate lost jaw mobility, which lets you fully resume activities abandoned due to fallen pearly whites. These include chomping down on juicy fruits or nuts and even chuckling, smooching, etc.

Click Here to know more about how teeth implants can transform your life.

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information

Saturday 10 September 2016

Why Dentures Are Losing Traction to Teeth Implants Today

Exceedingly popular options a few decades ago, dentures were the go-to substitute for people who had lost their teeth. However, recent times have seen a change with modern dentistry bringing new and improved alternatives like implants. Take a look at a few reasons why dentures seem to be losing traction as people prefer the low cost of dental implants in Sydney.

Outmoded options today

People seldom opt for an older version and model of automobile when there are newer and more advanced options available in the market. Dentures are facing the same problem with the advent of the exciting tooth implants. Since they were all the rage about 20 to 30 years ago, the youth of today is not accustomed to wearing them and even lacks awareness about them.

The advanced implants on the other hand, can be installed by being screwed on to the person’s jaw plate. This proffers a whole new level of stability and durability that dentures were never able to bring to the table.

Improved oral care

In the late 80’s and early 90’s these were a sought after solution because they were a great help to people who had lost all their pearly whites. However, oral care has evolved today to a stage where people are very much in tuned to their teeth cleaning needs. People make and keep regular dental appointments right from children to seniors, which ensure longevity for original teeth.

Adults are mindful of their diets and they make sure to include calcium for excellent tooth and bone health and even ensure that they are drinking uncontaminated water, so as to avoid discoloured teeth and other oral issues.

The stigma attached to dentures

A significant part of the populace opined that dentures are mainly meant for seniors. Dentists suggest opting for them when most of your pearly whites have fallen away due to age, cavities or a mishap. But the fact that younger patients could not connect to the solution is one of the reasons why it has lost popularity. Moreover, the youth notices seniors sporting them and are lured towards more appealing options.

Uncomfortable and unappealing

While dental implants integrate into the jaw plate to be strong and comfortable, they are quite desirable for seniors who are exhausted by their dentures popping out all of a sudden. Dentures can also be quite uncomfortable to slip on to your gums before every meal, and they can affect the way you smile and hamper your speech to some extent.

Inconvenient and proffer cleaning hassles

Implants are a more aesthetically pleasing option that avoids most of the denture hurdles. Since the latter present mundane removal and cleaning tasks; they are fast becoming obsolete to prosthetic teeth that are not only convenient but also permanent.

Click Here to know more about why dentures are losing traction to teeth implants today.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information

Monday 5 September 2016

8 Intriguing facts about your wisdom teeth

People who painstakingly do their best to maintain oral hygiene are often disappointed when their dentist advises extraction of a problematic tooth. However, due to no fault of theirs, this could be a natural issue that they face due to the notorious wisdom tooth. It has always been a debated issue as to whether or not these serve a purpose and if they actually demand extraction. Read on to find out more about them and you can get all your answers about your third molars.

1.    These are the last of your pearly whites to crop up in your gums. They come up at the back-end of your gums, which is where most individuals find it quite difficult to maintain sound oral hygiene.

2.    Both genders get their third molars around the age when they have passed 16 years and just prior to when they turn 25 years of age. However, many do not erupt successfully but face complications that then necessitate wisdom tooth removal in Sydney.

3.    Wondering what purpose they serve? Well, evolution is one of the major evidences that reveal the answer to this mystery. In ancient times, people were used to chomping down on animal flesh and a lot of raw foods that demanded a strong bite. This made an additional set of pearly whites a vital pre-requisite. Although our food habits evolved, the third molar still remains as a seemingly useless remnant of ancient times.

4.    Studies show that 8 out of 10 teens who are just nearing adulthood face problems with their newly erupted (or erupting) wisdom teeth. This is precisely why a lot of experts recommend extraction to ensure there are no hassles later when there is impaction.

5.    It may come as a surprise to you but not everyone has a third molar. A section of humans born today have evolved to exclude this tooth from their other set of pearly whites. However, this remains a rare occurrence.

6.    Not everyone has straightforward growth, as in some cases wisdom teeth in Sydney lean heavily on the surrounding molars. In others the teeth themselves erupt slanted, presenting complications around the roots and causing intense gum ache. Experts maintain that this mainly happens due to an inherent want of space in your jaw.

Click Here to know more facts about your wisdom teeth.

Friday 2 September 2016

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Tips

Are you looking for recovery tips after wisdom teeth removal? Here are some important aftercare tips to properly heal and prevent any complications. To know more, visit

Friday 26 August 2016

The importance of making intervallic dentist appointments

Taking time out from your daily life and busy schedule to make periodic dentist appointments is something that always seems to drift to the back of your mind. But, recently conducted research on the initial stages of gum disease and the severity of tooth decay has only further stressed the importance of oral health. This has urged people to be more proactive about their tooth and gum health.

Heading to the dentist for routine appointments is just another way to ensure that your pearly whites are disease free and gleaming. This write-up explains the importance of your periodic dentist visits.

1.    Periodic dental appointments can lead to a prompt diagnosis whenever you have any oral issues. Be it foul breath or tenderness in your gums; they could be indicators of a condition that is more sinister than it appears. Your dentist will best be able to put your worries at ease to dish out prompt medication to manage or even cure your ailment.

2.    Routine visits ensure that the specialist is well updated about your dental as well as medical history. He will also know of your medicine allergies and have a list of the pills (if any) you are consuming at present. This can be extremely useful when you have to rush to the dentist for a terrible tooth ache or after a nasty accident that has resulted in broken teeth.

3.    In the event that you are miserable from intensely decayed teeth, your dentist would advise you to act sooner rather than later with an extraction. He can also educate you about your options and help you get teeth implants to replace your missing tooth.

4.    Insisting on regular appointments with a renowned oral surgeon in Sydney gives you the opportunity to seek expert counsel regarding the best teeth cleaning methods. Right from the proper brushing technique, rinsing, to flossing and the best mouthwash to use, you have an expert’s guidance. You can use it to ensure that your teeth and gums are always healthy and devoid of damaging cavities.

Click Here to know more about the importance of making intervallic dentist appointments.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Different Types of Dental Implant Techniques that Gifts You a Sweet Smile

Dental implant in Sydney is considered as a safe and proven effective replacement for the tooth root and looks similar to the natural teeth. These dental implants are placed in the jaw bone, fuses with your natural bone and form a stable and rigid foundation for your replacement teeth. 

How the Process Works?

First, your oral surgeon carefully examines your mouth and takes x-rays of your head, jaw and teeth to find out whether you are good candidate for dental implant. A dental implant is placed beneath the gum tissue and stitched back into place during the first stage of surgery. The implant takes several days to bond with the bone and attach to the gum. Once the tissue is healed, the abutment is attached to the implant to connect the replacement tooth to the implant. Then, an artificial tooth that fills the missing area exactly is made and attached to the abutment.

Types of Dental Implant Procedures

Single Tooth Replacement

Single tooth implants are applicable for people who are missing one or more teeth. In this technique, the implant is surgically placed in an opening made in the jaw bone. There should be enough jaw bone to make this procedure success.

Multiple Tooth Replacement

Multiple missing teeth can be replaced using implants supported by a 3-unit bridge. These implant-supported bridges replace teeth without gaining support from any adjacent natural teeth.  These bridges also replaces some of your tooth roots, hence your bone is better preserved.

Fixed and Removable Bridgework

If a patient doesn’t have enough  natural teeth for bridgework or there is any difficulties in placing dental implants, combination work of fixed and removable bridgework serve as the  proper choice of dental solution. In this procedure, the existing teeth are filed down and porcelain bridgework is prepared which is then cemented in place.


These are used to provide stabilisation of the denture and preserve the underlying bone of the implants. Implants supported by over-dentures protect the bone where as traditional full dentures causes bone loss by pressing directly on the gum and bone. This is best suitable for patients who have lost their entire teeth in one jaw or both.


Stable or movable anchor units are implemented in implants either standard, mini, or micro-mini implants for quicker and easier tooth movement.

Temporary Bridgework

This is utilised in micro-mini implants which are later removed when the permanent implants are healed and teeth is permanently replaced. Temporary bridgework is done to ensure that the patient will be without teeth at no time and feel socially comfortable and functional.

However, with these wide varieties of Sydney dental implant restoration procedures only your dentist can be able to choose the type of implant that has been evaluated for bio-compatibility, supporting research and to provide tooth replacement.

Visit to get Australian-approved high-quality dental implants at affordable costs. Dr Pinho focuses solely on dental implant and wisdom teeth removal, so he’s able to offer this great-value, low-cost treatment to all.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Costs Involved in Wisdom Teeth Removal

When it comes to removing your third set of molars, a common surgical extraction process is involved for sectioning of the tooth crown and root to allow its complete removal. The complexity of the procedure depends on the following factors.

•    Whether your wisdom teeth are fully erupted, partially enveloped by gum tissue or completely submerged beneath bone

•    Impacted wisdom teeth

•    If your wisdom teeth have more mature and fully formed roots

Generally, the removal of wisdom teeth in Sydney is performed by a specialist oral surgeon or a Dental Board-registered specialist in the field of mouth and jaw surgery. But a general dentist is not entitled to perform a surgery but covers all facets of general dentistry.

Factors Involved in Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

The cost depends on the different courses of treatment including,

•    Consultation and clinical examination to determine the condition of your wisdom teeth.

•    A common X-ray and in some extreme cases a cone beam scan is required to find out the position and angulation of the wisdom teeth.

•    Surgical extraction and pain management.

•    Post-operative care for quick recovery.

Range of Costs

•    For simple cost extraction due to damages caused by wisdom teeth the cost involved is from $150 to $350

•    For a simple extraction wisdom teeth without any complications, the cost involved is between $225 and $250

•    For wisdom teeth removal methods with more complexities, the cost involved is between $250 and $375

•    With all these price ranges, removing 40 wisdom teeth together will never cost you more than $970

Discounts or Offers Involved in Wisdom Teeth Removal

Some dental clinics offer wisdom teeth removal in Sydney by supervised students or faculty at reduced rates. 85% Medicare rebate applies to some treatments when most of patients pay as little as $100 to have the removal of 4 Wisdom Teeth in the clinic or the hospital. There are also some very good deals in place with Anaesthetists and in some cases it may only cost you $100 out of pocket to have all 4 wisdom teeth removed.

Also, if you choose to have your wisdom teeth extraction under the supervision of a general anaesthetic, you’ll need to budget only for both anaesthetist and hospital fees. Your out-of-pocket expense vary depending on the whether you have private health insurance with hospital cover, and your level of cover.

Check you dental insurance to ensure whether it can save you on this procedure. If you can’t afford dental care, you can indulge in different low cost dental programs in every state of Australia to pay a little on your wisdom teeth removal. As medicare coverage is limited on dental work, you can expect to be out of pocket for majority of the costs. 

Dr Paulo Pinho, a member of the Australian Dental Association works with the mission to make oral surgery affordable and accessible for everyone, nobody should be left in pain with inadequate dental care. Visit for more.

Sunday 31 July 2016

Aftercare Tips to Speed up Wisdom Teeth Healing

The removal of impacted wisdom teeth is a serious procedure and the risks of unnecessary pain and the complications of infection and swelling is more. However, following a proper post-operative care helps you to minimise these risks and enables fast recovery. The speed of recovery may vary from person to person but an experienced oral surgeon in Sydney can provide you an expert advice on how to ease any pain and help recovery of the area after wisdom tooth removal.

Tips to Follow Immediately After Surgery

    A gauze pad should be placed over the surgical area at least for half an hour and after that the gauze pad should be removed.

    Avoid vigorous mouth rinsing and it may initiate bleeding by causing the blood clot that has formed to become dislodged.

    As you begin to feel discomfort, take the prescribed medications at regular intervals of time in the right amount.

    Place ice packs on the sides of your face to avoid facial swelling.

    Take small sips while drinking and avoid hot drinks.

After 24 Hours of Surgery

    Avoid solid foods and eat only soft foods while necessary.

    Use salt water to rinse your mouth and prevent wound infection, and avoid using mouth washes with chemical ingredients for few days.

    Applying Chlorhexidine over the wound to improve healing time by killing bacteria at the site.

    The stitches placed will dissolve away over a week or two, if it’s not schedule an appointment with the best oral surgeon in Sydney to get the stiches removed.

Foods to Avoid Eating After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After the wisdom teeth removal, one should modify their diet plan to prevent secondary side effects. Here is a list of few foods you should avoid for a quick recovery.

Hot and Spicy Food

As the hot temperatures initiates the breakdown of the blood clot in the socket and can lead to dry socket or infection, you should avoid taking hot and spicy food for first few days. Opt for soft foods such as vegetable soup, mashed potatoes or soft pasta in room temperature.


Soda and carbonated drinks should be avoided since they can weaken blood clot and increase the risk that it will dislodge in your mouth. But remain hydrated to keep your oral mucosa moist and the clots in place.


Don’t drink alcohol for at least 24 hours after wisdom teeth removal. Also, consult your oral surgeon to find out if alcohol will interfere with any pain medication you are taking after the surgery.

In addition to these, say no to foods that contain small seeds, such as sesame seeds or poppy seed. Because, these small grains and seeds can get lodged in the tooth sockets causing more discomfort and pain.

Dr Paulo Pinho, the leading dental surgeon in both Melbourne and Sydney offer you more aftercare tips to take good care of your dental implants. Visit

Tuesday 26 July 2016

What You Ought to Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom teeth are the great assets when they are healthy and properly aligned. Generally, these are the third and final set of molars that most people get in their late teens or early twenties. If misaligned, it causes troubles while speaking and eating, and it becomes inevitable to get them removed.

Why Wisdom Teeth Causes Pain or Trouble?

When misaligned, these teeth are positioned horizontally and are angled toward or away from the second molar. This poor alignment of wisdom teeth results in the damage of adjacent teeth, the jawbone, or nerves.

In other cases, wisdom teeth only partially break through or erupt through the gum and allow an opening for bacteria to enter around the tooth and cause an infection, which results in pain, swelling, jaw stiffness, and general illness.

How this Condition is detected and Wisdom Teeth are removed?

The positioning of your wisdom teeth can be determined using X-ray. After a careful analysis of the report, your emergency dentist in Sydney may recommend that your wisdom teeth be extracted even before problems develop. While the extraction process, a wisdom tooth that is underneath the gums and embedded in the jawbone will require an incision into the gums and then removal of the portion of bone that lies over the tooth.

The teeth and the surrounding tissues are numbed with a local anaesthetic before wisdom teeth removal or a sedative medication like laughing gas or any other oral sedative is injected to control any anxiety.

Recovery Steps

The speed of your recovery after getting a wisdom teeth removal depends on the degree of difficulty of the extraction. Following are the steps to be taken to ensure quick recovery from wisdom teeth removal.

    If bleeding persists even after several hours of removal, position a piece of clean moist gauze over the empty tooth socket and bite down firmly. Avoid any sucking auctions or rinsing or spitting for 24 hours after tooth extraction to minimise bleeding. In case of heavy bleeding contact emergency dentists in Sydney for better results.

    Place a piece of ice, wrapped in a cloth over the swollen area on a schedule of 10 minutes on and 20 minutes off followed by to minimise swelling.

    Antibiotics should be taken continuously until the full prescription is over.

    Avoid solid foods until all the numbness from anaesthesia has worn off and eat only soft foods for few days.

    Resume gentle brushing of your teeth on the day two following wisdom teeth removal and avoid using commercial mouth washes because they cause irritation in the extraction site.

The cost of extraction and the hospital fees will vary depending on the hospital you choose for your surgery, payment plans and financial options they cover.

Dr Paulo Pinho, dental surgeon working in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Visit for more information.

Friday 24 June 2016

Tips to Improve the Success Rate of Dental Implants

For those people who keep their lips sealed while smiling to hide the void of their missing teeth, dental implant is a viable option. In the recent years, with a rapidly growing rate of dental problems like tooth decay, gingivitis (gum disease), or injury, millions of people suffer tooth loss and turn towards dental implant to replace their missing teeth. Unlike dentures and bridges, implants are designed to fuse with bone strongly and often made to look like a natural tooth.

Even though the success rate of dental implant in Sydney is high say 98% approximately, few edentulous patients have a risk of dental implant rejection or failure. Smoking, diabetes or lack of implant maintenance during the recovery period leads to implant failure. Also, many reports quote that many patients struggle to keep their dentures secure, particularly in the lower jaw. If you are the one who fear dental implant failure, we have compiled a list of pre and post-operative instructions to push up your implant success rate.

Pre-op Instructions

•    Avoid eating food or drinking water six hours before the appointment.
•    Wear comfortable and loose fitting clothing that can easily be rolled up above both elbows.
•    Head to the clinic with a responsible person if you have intravenous sedation. 
•    Thoroughly rinse and clean your mouth to avoid any infections.
•    Call and postpone your appointment if you experience a head or chest cold prior to the surgery.

Post-Op Instructions

•    Place gauze bad directly on the wound for 30 minutes to avoid excessive bleeding. If the wound bleeds persistently, make an appointment with your dentist soon.
•    Swelling is a normal occurring and this can be reduced by apply an ice bag, or a plastic bag, or towel filled with ice on the cheek in the area of surgery.
•    Avoid hot liquids and fluids after surgery and stick to a liquid diet for two days. Slowly begin eating soft foods and then return to a normal diet as soon as possible unless otherwise directed.
•    Follow your dentist’s prescription and make sure to take the anti-biotic regularly as directed to help prevent infection.
•    Maintain good oral hygiene since it’s essential for good healing of the wound. Rinse your mouth thoroughly to expel tiny food particles sticking between the teeth and consider warm salt-water rinses at least 4-5 times a day.
•    Don’t get back to your physical activities immediately after the surgery because throbbing or bleeding may occur.

Elderly or people with osteoporosis, smokers, diabetics or people who have had cancer are sometimes not eligible to receive dental implants as their bones are unable to correctly integrate the new prostheses which replace the root. In such cases, getting an implant coating with a novel biodegradable material improves the success rate of Sydney dental implants.

Are you looking for dental implants in Sydney? Contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a certified oral surgeon specialising in dental implants in Sydney. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Why Should You Consider Dental Implants?

When you lose a tooth, you may experience some difficulty in your day-to-day activities such as eating and speaking. Even though modern dental restorative techniques have conducted to a considerable reduction in the number of teeth that are being extracted each year, many people still have one or more teeth missing. According to a study, around 70% of people aged 35 to 44 have lost at least one of their natural teeth. In case you are one of these people looking for a permanent replacement option for a missing tooth, dental implants should be your first choice. Sydney dental implants can give back your smile and make you look beautiful again.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are fixtures that are embedded within the jaw bone and replace the natural teeth by supporting the prosthesis, which can be a removable crown or fixed denture. After the dental implants have been fixed, bone formation occurs to surround the implant. It results in a firm anchorage and stability of the artificial tooth.

How Do Dental Implants in Sydney Work?

The durability and the success of the dental implant depend on the ability to form contact with the surrounding jaw bone. Known as osseointegration, this process makes sure that any prosthesis that is placed over the implant is going to be stable and retained. It will restore the optimal functioning of the artificial tooth.

Who Should Get Dental Implants?

Usually, any person who has one or more missing teeth should have implants. You should consider getting an implant if:

•    You want to replace your missing natural teeth
•    Restore the way your smile looks
•    Eat and speak without any difficulties
•    Get rid of dentures

Why Are Dental Implants Better Than Other Dental Procedures?

Being a more convenient and durable option for missing teeth, dental implants are gaining more popularity. Let’s see why you may prefer them over dentures and bridges:

1.    You can enjoy a beautiful smile. The loss of a tooth can ruin your smile. Esthetically pleasing, the dental prosthesis is getting placed over the implants in your mouth. This way, you get back your beautiful smile.

2.    Implants are more durable. They are specially designed to last forever. If you take proper care of your implants, as the dentist says, you can expect your implants to last a lifetime.

3.    Implants require minimal tooth preparation. When the dentist prepares to put on bridges, he or she needs to prepare the adjacent teeth as well. Dental implants do not require any preparation at all.

4.    Consume any food you like. The dental implants are just like your natural teeth. You don’t need to worry about not being able to chew on foods that you like. The implants will be resistant and resilient. It’s just like having your natural teeth in place.

Dental implants in Sydney offer you comfort. As said earlier, dental implants are just like natural teeth. It means you will get the same level of comfort.

If you are looking for dental implants in Sydney, contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a certified oral surgeon who has over 15 years of experience in dental industry especially dental implants. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Monday 30 May 2016

Complications That May Appear After Wisdom Tooth Removal

Usually performed in your dentist’s office, wisdom tooth extraction is something that is very commonly done. There are many reasons your dentist will recommend wisdom tooth removal. These include the risk of infection, crowding, damage to surrounding teeth, and the incorrect development pattern of the teeth. It doesn’t matter the reasons why you may need your wisdom teeth removed. Usually, the procedure is a very safe one. Recovery periods are short. However, as with any other surgery, there are risks and some complications may appear. Wisdom tooth removal in Sydney will help you get rid of any of the wisdom teeth that may be bothering you, without any complications. However, it is better that you know what difficulties may appear when this kind of operation is involved.

Minor Complications in Wisdom Tooth Removal
After any surgery, patients experience some discomfort and swelling. It is true when it comes to wisdom tooth removal too. Some of the minor complications when a wisdom tooth removal is executed:

•    Bleeding gums
•    Pain in the jaw
•    Damage to previously made dental work
•    Pain and swelling in the gums

The good news is that these complications don’t persist for more than two or three days. Besides, some patients may suffer complications from the anaesthetic used before and during the surgery. Patients who undergo a general anaesthetic are usually exposed to a very small risk of death. With all these minor complications, removal of wisdom teeth in Sydney remains one of the most common dental procedures. The surgery is completed without any problems.

More Serious Complications

Rarely, patients may go through more serious complications. While these complications will prolong the patient’s discomfort, they are not life threatening. With proper medical care, most patients undergoing wisdom tooth removal can avoid problems while recovering from the surgery.

Dry Socket, also known as Alveolar Osteitis

Appearing only in 5 to 10% of the wisdom tooth extraction procedures, dry socket is characterised by a throbbing pain after removal. It occurs when a blood clot doesn’t properly form, and the pain receptors and the jaw bone remain exposed at the extraction site. Since the socket will become more irritated with time, the pain may last from 3 to 5 days after surgery. You can prevent dry socket by avoiding smoking, spitting or any activity that involves the change of pressure in the mouth. Avoid drinking carbonated beverages and do not cough and sneeze too often.

Nerve Damage

When wisdom tooth extraction happens, the nerves in your mouth may get damaged. The symptoms of this complication are usually numbness in the lips, tongue, cheeks, and gums. Less than 10%, the incidence of nerve damage after wisdom tooth removal cannot offer an accurate picture of how often this complication occurs.

Reacting to Medication

In case you suffer from vomiting, nausea or drowsiness after your surgery, you may be having a reaction to medications or the anaesthetic. 

If you are looking for wisdom teeth removal in Sydney, contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a certified oral surgeon who has over 15 years of experience in dental industry especially wisdom teeth removal. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Steps to Finding an Expert Oral Surgeon

An oral surgeon in Sydney is a professional who is licensed to perform different kinds of operations and surgeries to correct or remedy various oral defects. If you know you have healthy teeth, but some undesirable habits and practices have deteriorated your oral condition, then you should consult an oral surgeon in Sydney. Usually, these unwanted habits and practices affect your teeth the most. Nowadays, when one is suffering from some severe oral problems, he or she visits the oral surgeon to fix the issue. Oral Surgery is also recommended when the removal of a wisdom tooth is necessary. The wisdom tooth is one of the most difficult to deal when it comes to dental health. Given the modern technology of our days, there are many oral surgeries you can choose from.

Oral Surgery Should Be Performed Only by Professionals

Oral surgery being a salient procedure requires real and highly trained professionals to perform. It's the reason why you should find an oral surgeon that is not only properly authorised to perform such a surgery, but also experienced enough. You need to find someone professional and experienced if you want your surgery to yield useful results and to ensure the condition doesn't get aggravated. The best oral surgeon in Sydney will take good care of your teeth, making sure the condition you are suffering from doesn’t return.

Finding an Oral Surgeon

It is not that difficult to find an oral surgeon. You can look up on the Internet and in oral surgeons’ directories. Here it is possible to browse as many clinics as you want by country. You can choose where to have your oral surgery. The sites that you browse may give you information on the specialisation of the oral surgeons that are listed. Another place to look for oral surgeons is in the newspapers. You can also look up in magazines and telephone directories. Referrals from friends and family are also a good source to identify a good oral surgeon. As a matter of fact, finding your oral surgeon through referrals would be the best thing you could do. You can get information on the experience, the costs and the location from a friend or someone in your family. Finding an oral surgeon is not that difficult, as long as you know where to look.

Perform a Background Check on Your Oral Surgeon

If you have found the oral surgeon that you are looking for, don’t forget to check him or her out before going to have the surgery. Make sure the surgeon of your choice has the required experience, and he or she is authorised to function as an oral surgeon. Going to someone inexperienced may cause more harm than you already have. Experienced oral surgeons will know what to do about your problem, and they will ensure it doesn't get any worse. Find someone you can trust and you should be fine.

Are you looking for an experienced oral surgeon in Sydney? Contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a certified oral surgeon who has over 15 years of experience in dental industry. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Tuesday 17 May 2016

When to Contact an Emergency Dentist

Emergency dentists play a critical role in your life. If you have ever needed an emergency dentist, you probably understand the importance we are talking about. Tooth pain can be something very worrying, so knowing a professional and reliable emergency dentist in Sydney can give you the peace of mind that you so much need in case something bad is about to happen. An emergency dentist can take care of the problem, treating it quickly and efficiently. This article will help you understand what emergency dentists in Sydney can do, as opposed to the typical dentist.

Situations When You Should Call an Emergency Dentist

People usually call an emergency dentist when their tooth gets chipped, broken, or it falls out. This kind of problems can be very worrying for the patient. In the previously mentioned situations, it is essential that the dentist is called in as soon as possible. When the tooth is broken or chipped, the emergency dentist will first assess if the problem is medical or only aesthetic. If the problem is purely aesthetic, the treatment will include some options such as filling the gap, veneers, or crowns.

You should also call an emergency dentist in Sydney if you are in pain. Extreme pain can be the source of bigger problems, so calling an emergency dentist is crucial if you are in pain. Pain due to wisdom teeth or numb aches can usually wait until you have a normal appointment with your doctor, but pains, where an abscess is present, needs to be treated as soon as possible. It is something only an emergency dentist can do. Most of the emergency surgeries are open 24 hours a day, so it should not be difficult for you to visit a dentist quickly.

When Not to Call an Emergency Dentist

Keep in mind that dental treatment can be expensive. It's worth it when there is a real emergency, but if you have just forgotten to book an appointment, and you want to be seen straight away, it is not a good use of your time and money. Book your routine appointments normally and don’t go in an emergency unless you really need it. Make sure you have a good dental health and hygiene and book your routine appointments twice a year. In case you have an accident and big pain is induced, it is best that you call the emergency number and wait for someone to take you to the hospital. The problem may be different than something that needs immediate care from an emergency dentist. You may need to see a doctor to attend your wounds. Call an emergency dentist only if you are in one of the previously mentioned situations: abscess, your tooth has fallen out, or it is chipped. As said earlier, it is important to know when to call the emergency dentist and when not.

Are you looking for an experienced emergency dentist in Sydney? Contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a certified emergency dentist who has over 15 years of experience in dental industry. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Thursday 12 May 2016

Pose a Perfect Smile with Realistic Dental Implants

An individual may lose teeth due to injury or chronic periodontal diseases. Dental implants are the best option to restore the happy smile of those who have lost a tooth or teeth. They are replacements of tooth roots that provide a robust base for permanent or removable replacement of teeth that match your natural teeth.

Why Do You Need Dental Implants

In Sydney, dental implants are used by people who have lost their teeth due to the following advantages:

Enhanced Look and Self-esteem

Dental implants will put your smile back. You will never have to worry about being the subject of fun because of empty spaces on your dental arc. Having a complete set of teeth will make you look better boosting your confidence.

Better Speech

Shaking dentures can slip in your mouth causing difficulty in speaking. Since dental implants act like permanent teeth, it aids in pronouncing words correctly and speaking properly.

Comfort in Eating

You will never have to worry about chewing a tough piece of meat again. Dental implants, unlike temporary dentures, are steadier allowing you to eat your favourite food easily.

Durable and Convenient

Dental implants take several years before a replacement in needed. You can also avoid the embarrassment and inconvenience in removing and cleaning dentures periodically if you have dental implants that act as permanent teeth.

Types of Dental Implants

Dental implants in Sydney can be classified into two categories:

Endosteal – this is the most common type of dental implant used. Endosteal involves the introduction of implants "in the bone" using screws, blades or cylinders surgically placed inside the jaw to hold one or more artificial teeth.

Subperiosteal – using a metal frame, this type of implant is placed "on top of the bone" to hold prosthetic teeth. Subperiosteal implants are used for people who are not able to wear conventional dentures.

Who can Avail Dental Implants in Sydney?

Generally speaking, a healthy individual can be considered for dental implants provided they:

•    Have healthy gums

•    Have sufficient bones to hold the implant

•    Are committed to regular oral health hygiene regimen

•    Do not have diabetes or heart diseases

•    Are not smokers
•    Have not undergone radiation in the head or neck area

Should you consider getting a dental implant, it is pertinent that you consult your dentist first. Make sure to divulge your comprehensive medical history to avoid unwanted complications.

How to Care for Your Dental Implants?

Dental implants take the place of your real teeth. Thus, cleaning them will not be a tall order. Cleaning dental implants is as simple as cleaning your regular teeth. Brushing, flossing, using anti-bacterial mouthwash and periodic dental appointments are just some of the easiest ways to care for them.

Dental implants could be your last Hail Mary to maintain that perfectly looking smile. Being a permanent part of your system, it will serve as a constant reminder for you to practice a better oral regimen to maintain a healthier mouth and teeth.

If you are looking for dental implants in Sydney, contact Dr Paulo Pinho, a leading and experienced dental surgeon in Sydney with over 15 years of experience in dental industry. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184