Showing posts with label dental implants in Sydney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dental implants in Sydney. Show all posts

Wednesday 27 March 2019

An Overview of Types of Implants and Techniques

Dental Implants in Sydney
Dental implants are the metal frames that acts as a root for a replacement tooth, and it is surgically inserted into the jawbone beneath the gums. By replacing missing tooth roots, teeth implants provide patients with the strength and stability required to enjoy all the foods without struggling to chew. Moreover, they also help to stimulate the jaw bone, prevent bone loss, and support facial structure.

The dental implants in Sydney come in different sizes, heights, and types. However, your dentist can help you choose which option is best for you based on your needs. The dental implant cost in Sydney may vary according to the type of implant you choose as well.

Types of implants

•    Endosteal 

These are the most commonly used type of implant. It is placed in the jawbone and is made of titanium and shaped like small screws.

•    Subperiosteal

This type of implant is also placed under the gum but on, or above, the jawbone. It is mostly used in patients who do not have enough jawbone and cannot or not willing to undergo a bone augmentation procedure to rebuild it.

If your jawbone is not able to support dental implants, there are several techniques to rebuild bone, restore the natural jawline and provide a sturdy foundation to place the implants. These include:

•    Bone augmentation

Bone augmentation procedure involves restoring bone when it is not able to support the cheap dental implants in Sydney. Researches show that using bone additives and growth factors to fortify the bone helps achieve the best results.

•    Sinus lift

It is also called as sinus elevation and involves adding bone below the sinus where the natural bone has been deteriorated due to missing teeth.

•    Ridge expansion

If your jaw is not wide enough to support dental implants, bone graft material is added to a small ridge, created on the top of your jaw.

Dental implant techniques

•    Mini dental implants

Mini dental implants are narrower than most commonly used implants, and they are placed through less-invasive techniques and are primarily used to stabilise a lower denture.

•    All-on-4

It is an alternative technique to replace an entire arch. Four implants are placed on the jawbone that avoids the need for bone grafting procedure. Special abutments are used so that a temporary set of replacement teeth can be placed on the same day. After healing, the permanent replacement teeth will be placed.

•    Immediate load implants

It is also called same day implants. It is a good option for patients who have enough jawbones to support immediate placement and pressure on the new temporary tooth.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Why Should You Consider Dental Implants?

When you lose a tooth, you may experience some difficulty in your day-to-day activities such as eating and speaking. Even though modern dental restorative techniques have conducted to a considerable reduction in the number of teeth that are being extracted each year, many people still have one or more teeth missing. According to a study, around 70% of people aged 35 to 44 have lost at least one of their natural teeth. In case you are one of these people looking for a permanent replacement option for a missing tooth, dental implants should be your first choice. Sydney dental implants can give back your smile and make you look beautiful again.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are fixtures that are embedded within the jaw bone and replace the natural teeth by supporting the prosthesis, which can be a removable crown or fixed denture. After the dental implants have been fixed, bone formation occurs to surround the implant. It results in a firm anchorage and stability of the artificial tooth.

How Do Dental Implants in Sydney Work?

The durability and the success of the dental implant depend on the ability to form contact with the surrounding jaw bone. Known as osseointegration, this process makes sure that any prosthesis that is placed over the implant is going to be stable and retained. It will restore the optimal functioning of the artificial tooth.

Who Should Get Dental Implants?

Usually, any person who has one or more missing teeth should have implants. You should consider getting an implant if:

•    You want to replace your missing natural teeth
•    Restore the way your smile looks
•    Eat and speak without any difficulties
•    Get rid of dentures

Why Are Dental Implants Better Than Other Dental Procedures?

Being a more convenient and durable option for missing teeth, dental implants are gaining more popularity. Let’s see why you may prefer them over dentures and bridges:

1.    You can enjoy a beautiful smile. The loss of a tooth can ruin your smile. Esthetically pleasing, the dental prosthesis is getting placed over the implants in your mouth. This way, you get back your beautiful smile.

2.    Implants are more durable. They are specially designed to last forever. If you take proper care of your implants, as the dentist says, you can expect your implants to last a lifetime.

3.    Implants require minimal tooth preparation. When the dentist prepares to put on bridges, he or she needs to prepare the adjacent teeth as well. Dental implants do not require any preparation at all.

4.    Consume any food you like. The dental implants are just like your natural teeth. You don’t need to worry about not being able to chew on foods that you like. The implants will be resistant and resilient. It’s just like having your natural teeth in place.

Dental implants in Sydney offer you comfort. As said earlier, dental implants are just like natural teeth. It means you will get the same level of comfort.

If you are looking for dental implants in Sydney, contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a certified oral surgeon who has over 15 years of experience in dental industry especially dental implants. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Sunday 21 February 2016

How Dental Implants can improve your Life?

In our technologically advanced lifestyle, surgeries and implants have become familiar words. Unfortunately, some people find it difficult to seek the help of a dental expert for dental implants. If you are pondering over the option of dental implants and you are not sure about it then here are a few reasons why you should go for it without hesitation.

1.Removes Tooth Gaps: Some people have the misfortune of having tooth gap. They are teased mercilessly about it and often feel low on confidence due to it. This situation can be curbed by a dental implant where the dentist will remove the gap by adding a fake tooth in the gap. It will help you smile without hesitation.

2.Makes Chewing Easier: If you have a few teeth missing, chewing food can be a real nuisance. Some people decide to live on liquid foods in such scenarios when the solution is as simple as a dental implant followed by the placement of artificial teeth. You can also choose to get multiple implants if you have many teeth missing as they rarely have any side effects. 

3.Prevents Further Damage: Dental implants in Sydney help cover the gap in your teeth, and they can prevent further damage too. Imagine having to go for surgery if the gums that have no teeth are infected and filled with pus. Be smart and opt for a dental implant and cover all gaps with artificial teeth.

4.Boosts Your Confidence: Dental implants will increase your confidence as you’ll be able to enjoy good oral health once you opt for dental implants. These implants also make sure that your artificial teeth look as good as the natural ones.

5.To know more about dental implants, visit or Call Dr. Paulo Pinho @ 1300 721 184

Sunday 1 November 2015

Common Myths about Dental Implants

Dental implants are a standard procedure that can replace your lost teeth with naturally looking artificial ones. Apart from the advantage of dental restoration, it also offers longevity, comfort & good aesthetics. Unfortunately, the misconception surrounding this treatment has widespread as much as the adoption rate of the same. Here are some popular myths about dental implants in Sydney:

    Myth: Dental Implants are very painful

Like many other surgeries, there can be an obvious discomfort during the procedure, however, that doesn’t mean that it is painful. In fact, a lot of them who have undergone this treatment expresses that it was easier and less painful than imagined.

    Myth: Implants are expensive

It is acceptable that the initial upfront cost is significant, but the overall costs of implants are lesser than other forms of teeth restoration procedures.

    Myth: Dental Implants can fall out

Being constructed with biocompatible materials such as Titanium, there is not a chance for them to fall out. But, it can’t be denied that fall out can happen in a very small number of patients when implants fail to bond with the jawbone.

    Myth: Implants can cause headaches

This is another popular myth that has come up in the recent times. When it is claimed that titanium in implants causes headaches, there’s no clinical evidence for the same. The chances are that there can be other reasons like sinus cavity damage or nerve damage.

    Myth: Dental implants are a hefty work

Most people think that they have to spend lot of time for caring implants, but do you know implants can be treated just like normal tooth & regular like everything else?

Now that the common myths about dental implants in Sydney have been busted, consider confirming that appointment you wanted with your surgeon.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Aftercare Tips for Your Dental Implants

Post-operative care of your dental implants in Sydney is essential for the long-term success of the procedure. The right hygiene measures ensure that they last longer and are free of further complications like infection or pain. Read on to find out about the best ways to care for your dental implants.

Good oral hygiene

Sydney dental implants work best for patients who keep their mouth as clean as possible. Keep food away from the affected area as long as possible. Use lukewarm water with a pinch of salt to rinse the mouth for few days after surgery. This helps to keep away from any possible chances of infection. Avoid brushing the surgical area for the first few days and use the prescribed mouth wash from the same evening to ensure perfect oral hygiene.

Eating after Surgery

Juices and vegetable broths at room temperature can be consumed after the local anaesthetic has completely worn off. It is recommended to avoid hot food for a day or two after the procedure. Food that is too hard to chew must also be kept away for quick recovery. The mouth must be thoroughly rinsed with water after every meal.

Other activities after surgery

Smoking and strenuous exercise must be avoided for a few days after the treatment. Pain will not be a major concern after getting your dental implants and therefore 1 or 2 doses of pain killers is sufficient. Ice packs can be used if any swelling persists.

About Author:

Dr. Paulo Pinho is a certified and experienced dental surgeon working in both Melbourne and Sydney. He is also a member of the Australian Dental Association & International Team for Implantology. To know more visit or Call 1300 721 184

Monday 5 October 2015

All You Ever Needed to Know about Dental Implants

Have you lost a tooth recently and feeling quite low about it? Do not worry too much as a dental implant may be the best solution for your problem today. Gone are the days when people relied on dentures for missing teeth. Dental implantation is the perfect choice as far as durability, usage and aesthetic sense is concerned. You can restore your lost confidence and start smiling again once the dental implant is done. With wonderful advances happening in the field of medical science, the rate of success of dental implants have witnessed a vast improvement today. They are ideal substitutes for natural teeth and normally fixed directly onto the jaw bone. It has been proven that dental implants are even strong enough to withstand strong bites.

If you happen to be residing in Sydney, you are in luck as there are a number of well-known dental surgeons who deal with dental implants in Sydney. Most people in Sydney favour dental implants over dentures as these implants are for life and project a natural and healthy appearance. But it is imperative that you pick out the best dentist in your locality with excellent technical expertise and experience to get your dental implant done. Looking online or yellow pages will help you choose the best dentist available in Sydney.

This procedure is not extremely expensive and will vary. So make sure that the Sydney dental implants dentist that you finally approach will charge you within reasonable budget. But bear in mind the fact that dental implantation costs will vary according to the number of implantation needed, the quality of teeth you plan to implant as well as the condition of your bone and gum tissue. It would be a good idea to visit the orthodontists in Sydney who will give you a fair idea about dental implant costs and procedure involved and about dentists who are affordable in this field.

Once you have picked out your dentist, fix an appointment with him and find out all you need to know about the dental implant procedure and how long the treatment will take. He should have enough time to do a complete examination of your teeth and explain in detail about how this is done.

About Author:

Dr. Paulo Pinho is a certified and experienced dental surgeon working in both Melbourne and Sydney. He is also a member of the Australian Dental Association & International Team for Implantology. To know more visit or Call 1300 721 184

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Deciding between Tooth Repair and Going for Dental Implants

Patients are often faced with a dilemma when they have to choose between salvaging their pearly whites or signing up for extraction and getting implants. Individuals who have these alternatives before them are generally the owners of teeth that have been rendered decrepit by gum disease, bone loss or severely damaged by cavities. A decision can be arrived at by taking into account the present oral health and the duration that a fix will last.

When Fixing is a Better Option

When remaining teeth are untouched by cavities or in cases where the patient has quit damaging habits like smoking or practicing bad oral hygiene; repairing the existing teeth can be considered. However, cheap dental implants cost in Sydney is also causing patients to question whether trying to salvage the teeth that remain is indeed a good decision for them.

Times to Extract and Opt for Implants
If a majority of your pearly whites are yellowed and decaying, you may have to consider having them taken out. The last thing you want is to go for a temporary fix that necessitates further treatment in a few years. Repair tends to be an extremely costly endeavour in addition to being time-consuming and painful. It would be wiser to take the dentist’s advice and elect complete extraction so you can have the full use of prosthetic teeth that last for years.

By opting for dental implants in Sydney many patients stand to gain the most, prompting them to choose the option of going for complete extraction.

To know more visit

Friday 14 August 2015

Does Smoking Cause Dental Implant Failure?

The health risks associated with smoking are numerous and restorative dentistry in one among them. Dental implants in particular are largely affected by smoking and the success rate of the surgery is brought down by almost 25% to 45% among smokers. Let us explore in depth how smoking adversely affects dental implants.

Smoking Prolongs Recovery Period

After an implant surgery, the bone tissues and gums require several weeks to heal entirely. Following this the jaws must completely Osseo integrate with the dental implants in Sydney and this may even take months. Chronic smokers are prone to gum diseases which result in damaged tissues. After an implant, these tissues fail to regenerate appropriately thus delaying the recovery process and in some cases resulting in a procedure failure. One of the important side-effects of prolonged use of tobacco is a weak immune system which directly impacts the healing process.

Smoking Increases Chances of Infection

Like in any other surgical procedure, dental implants also pose some risk of infection. Smoking enhances the chance of infection by exposing the implant to toxic chemicals as well as harmful bacteria. If the patient contracts an infection from any other source, the application of antibiotics for the treatment of the infection is made less effective by smoking.

Smokers, who wish to get a Sydney dental implant without any health complications, must keep the habit at bay for weeks before and after the surgery. Dental implants offer permanent solutions and therefore proper measures must be practised to enjoy the benefits of the surgery.

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