Friday 14 August 2015

Does Smoking Cause Dental Implant Failure?

The health risks associated with smoking are numerous and restorative dentistry in one among them. Dental implants in particular are largely affected by smoking and the success rate of the surgery is brought down by almost 25% to 45% among smokers. Let us explore in depth how smoking adversely affects dental implants.

Smoking Prolongs Recovery Period

After an implant surgery, the bone tissues and gums require several weeks to heal entirely. Following this the jaws must completely Osseo integrate with the dental implants in Sydney and this may even take months. Chronic smokers are prone to gum diseases which result in damaged tissues. After an implant, these tissues fail to regenerate appropriately thus delaying the recovery process and in some cases resulting in a procedure failure. One of the important side-effects of prolonged use of tobacco is a weak immune system which directly impacts the healing process.

Smoking Increases Chances of Infection

Like in any other surgical procedure, dental implants also pose some risk of infection. Smoking enhances the chance of infection by exposing the implant to toxic chemicals as well as harmful bacteria. If the patient contracts an infection from any other source, the application of antibiotics for the treatment of the infection is made less effective by smoking.

Smokers, who wish to get a Sydney dental implant without any health complications, must keep the habit at bay for weeks before and after the surgery. Dental implants offer permanent solutions and therefore proper measures must be practised to enjoy the benefits of the surgery.

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