Showing posts with label wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. Show all posts

Friday 23 February 2024

Are Dental Implants the Answer to Facial Trauma?


wisdom teeth removal - dr paulo pinho oral surgery clinic - sydney

Facial trauma can impact both physical appearance and essential functions like speech or eating. One possible solution is dental implants in Sydney, but can they truly help? This post will discuss the potential of dental implants in treating facial trauma.

Understanding the Impact of Facial Trauma

Facial trauma is more than just a cosmetic issue; it's a severe health concern that can deeply affect a person's quality of life. Picture this: An unfortunate accident, an act of violence, or even a debilitating medical condition, results in a dramatic change to your face. It's not just about the reflection you see in the mirror anymore. Suddenly, ordinary tasks, such as speaking clearly or eating comfortably, become daunting challenges.

But the impacts aren't just physical. Facial trauma often carries psychological repercussions. When your face, your personal calling card to the world, is significantly altered, it can lead to issues with self-esteem and mental health. As such, finding a solution that effectively addresses both the physical and emotional impact of facial trauma is of the utmost importance.

How Dental Implants Can Aid in Facial Trauma Treatment

Dental implants serve as powerful allies in the fight against facial trauma. Their role is multifaceted. Firstly, by substituting missing teeth, they restore the integrity of the facial structure, nudging it back to its original state. This reinstates the lost semblance and creates a familiar face that you once knew. But their function isn't just skin deep.

Implants serve as steadfast supporters of the jawbone, averting further bone deterioration and upholding the facial shape and structure. Their presence in the oral cavity provides the necessary stimulation to the jawbone, encouraging bone growth and preventing the sagging appearance often associated with tooth loss.

Beyond the physical, cheap dental implants in Sydney can also enhance functional abilities. Remember the difficulty in speaking clearly or enjoying your favourite meal after the trauma? Dental implants swoop in to resolve these problems, helping restore your speech and chewing ability to pre-trauma levels. Their design and function closely mirror natural teeth, allowing for smooth and comfortable speech and eating, thereby helping you regain the simple pleasures of life that were compromised due to facial trauma.

Please note that the success of dental implants can vary from patient to patient, and they may not be the right solution for everyone. However, their potential benefits make them worth considering as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for facial trauma.

The Process of Getting Dental Implants After Facial Trauma

Stepping onto the path to recovery after facial trauma can feel like an uphill climb. But dental implants may prove to be the steady hand you need to navigate the journey. To help paint a clearer picture, let's walk through the process together.

First and foremost, it begins with a comprehensive health check and an assessment of your facial injuries. This is an essential step in determining if dental implants are indeed the right choice for your individual case.

Assuming you're a suitable candidate, the next stage is to embed a titanium post, which acts like the root of your tooth, into your jawbone. This sets the stage for the implant that will eventually take the place of your missing tooth or teeth.

Once the post is in place, nature steps in to perform its magic. Over a period of months, your jawbone will begin to grow around the implanted post, a natural process known as osseointegration. This phase is critical as it anchors the implant securely in your mouth, providing the stability needed for the artificial tooth that will soon follow.

Once osseointegration is complete, it's time for the final act: attaching the artificial tooth to the implant. The end result? A sturdy, natural-looking replacement tooth that is indistinguishable from your original tooth.

Remember, the journey to getting dental implants is a marathon, not a sprint. It can take several months from start to finish, but the benefits – from improved appearance to restored function – make it worth the wait.

Challenges and Considerations of Dental Implants

Embarking on the dental implant journey isn't without a few bumps in the road. Like any surgical procedure, there are risks, such as infection, nerve damage, or sinus issues that should be considered. Additionally, dental implants need a good foundation to latch onto, meaning a decent amount of healthy bone is required. Those with substantial bone loss may need to undergo bone grafts or may find they aren't suitable candidates for implants. While dental implants have an impressive track record of success, the dental implants cost in Sydney is high, which can be hit-or-miss. These are important factors to weigh in your decision-making process. The goal here isn't to dissuade you, but rather to ensure you're fully informed and prepared for all possible scenarios on your path to recovery.

Author Bio:

The author is a leading provider of dental implants in Sydney and has over a decade of experience in the industry. In this article, he explains how dental implants help treat facial trauma. Visit for more.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

wisdom teeth removal in Sydney

Wisdom teeth were the answer to our ancestor’s early food style which includes coarse foods like nuts, roots, leaves, and meats that needs more munching power and resulted in excessive wear of their teeth. Now, the modern diet with its very soft foods, along with the modern technologies like spoons, forks and knives, has made the requirement for wisdom teeth non-existent. As a result, biologists categorise wisdom teeth as a body part that has become functionless due to advancement in technologies. 

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Wait Longer to Erupt?

The tooth development, from a baby’s primary teeth to his/her permanent teeth, takes place in a systematic order, with the first molar erupting at the age of 6 and the second molar around the age of 12. Wisdom teeth that begin forming at the age of 10 are the last set of molars, so they generally don’t erupt until you are between 17 and 25. Since this is the age that people are said to become wiser, this set of teeth has been nicknamed as “wisdom teeth”.

There are also a number of people who never get wisdom teeth, but for those who have, the number will be between one and four. According to some studies, on very rare occasions, more than four wisdom teeth may grow. Scientific works has yet to be able to explain why the number of wisdom teeth per individual varies. But for those who do get these unnecessary or extra teeth, it can lead to many problems.

Why Wisdom Teeth Create Problems?

Since human jaws have become smaller, when wisdom teeth erupt they often become blocked or impacted, by the other teeth around them. Likewise, if the wisdom tooth partially erupts, the food particles can get trapped in the gum tissue surrounding it, which will lead to bacteria growth and, possibly, very serious infection.

A wisdom tooth that does not erupt but remains stuck away can also lead to oral problems including crowding or displacement of permanent teeth. On very rare occasions, a cyst may form in the soft tissue surrounding the impacted wisdom tooth. These cysts will lead to jaw expansion, bone destruction, or damage to the surrounding teeth. Even more uncommonly, tumours can also develop in the cysts, which can lead to the jaw spontaneously breaking if the cyst or tumour grows too much. You should follow your dentist’s advice to stay free of gum disease.

There are few people in Sydney having wisdom teeth that function just as well as every other tooth in the mouth. As a result they do not need to undergo wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. But, we cannot predict when the third molar complications will occur, and some of the studies estimate that about 85% of wisdom teeth will eventually need to be removed.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Costs Involved in Wisdom Teeth Removal

When it comes to removing your third set of molars, a common surgical extraction process is involved for sectioning of the tooth crown and root to allow its complete removal. The complexity of the procedure depends on the following factors.

•    Whether your wisdom teeth are fully erupted, partially enveloped by gum tissue or completely submerged beneath bone

•    Impacted wisdom teeth

•    If your wisdom teeth have more mature and fully formed roots

Generally, the removal of wisdom teeth in Sydney is performed by a specialist oral surgeon or a Dental Board-registered specialist in the field of mouth and jaw surgery. But a general dentist is not entitled to perform a surgery but covers all facets of general dentistry.

Factors Involved in Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

The cost depends on the different courses of treatment including,

•    Consultation and clinical examination to determine the condition of your wisdom teeth.

•    A common X-ray and in some extreme cases a cone beam scan is required to find out the position and angulation of the wisdom teeth.

•    Surgical extraction and pain management.

•    Post-operative care for quick recovery.

Range of Costs

•    For simple cost extraction due to damages caused by wisdom teeth the cost involved is from $150 to $350

•    For a simple extraction wisdom teeth without any complications, the cost involved is between $225 and $250

•    For wisdom teeth removal methods with more complexities, the cost involved is between $250 and $375

•    With all these price ranges, removing 40 wisdom teeth together will never cost you more than $970

Discounts or Offers Involved in Wisdom Teeth Removal

Some dental clinics offer wisdom teeth removal in Sydney by supervised students or faculty at reduced rates. 85% Medicare rebate applies to some treatments when most of patients pay as little as $100 to have the removal of 4 Wisdom Teeth in the clinic or the hospital. There are also some very good deals in place with Anaesthetists and in some cases it may only cost you $100 out of pocket to have all 4 wisdom teeth removed.

Also, if you choose to have your wisdom teeth extraction under the supervision of a general anaesthetic, you’ll need to budget only for both anaesthetist and hospital fees. Your out-of-pocket expense vary depending on the whether you have private health insurance with hospital cover, and your level of cover.

Check you dental insurance to ensure whether it can save you on this procedure. If you can’t afford dental care, you can indulge in different low cost dental programs in every state of Australia to pay a little on your wisdom teeth removal. As medicare coverage is limited on dental work, you can expect to be out of pocket for majority of the costs. 

Dr Paulo Pinho, a member of the Australian Dental Association works with the mission to make oral surgery affordable and accessible for everyone, nobody should be left in pain with inadequate dental care. Visit for more.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Key Things to Know About Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney may sound overwhelming, but having all the information required about the procedure makes it much easier and prepares patients better. Read on to find out some vital information on what to expect from the surgical process.

Ensure you are the Right Candidate for the Procedure

A dental surgeon considers all consequences and alternatives before suggesting the removal of wisdom teeth. Patients may discuss details pertaining to their additional medical problems or drug allergies to ensure suitability.

Preparing for the Day of Surgery

Wisdom teeth removal in Sydney is an outpatient procedure and can be completed within a few minutes. Patients who will be treated under the influence of general anaesthesia must find help to drive back home. Fasting before the procedure is also required in the case of general anaesthesia to avoid the feeling of nausea. Any queries regarding the intake of other regular medications must be addressed the day before the procedure.

Pain Management after the Procedure

There is hardly any swelling and pain. If you find any pain or swelling, pain killers and cold packs must be sufficient to take care of the pain after the surgery. Having these pain killers prescribed the day before and stocking up on the cold packs saves a bleary trip to the pharmacy.

Recovery at Home

Ample rest, right diet and good oral hygiene will help easy recovery of the patient. Avoid chewing hard food, smoking and strenuous workouts for few days after the procedure.

More than 85% of the people undergo this surgery and it is absolutely normal and safe to take up the process with a trusted surgeon.

About Author: Dr. Paulo Pinho is a certified and experienced dental surgeon working in both Melbourne and Sydney. He is also a member of the Australian Dental Association & International Team for Implantology. To know more visit or Call 1300 721 184

Friday 21 August 2015

Recovery Tips for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal at the right time is essential to avoid further complications in oral health. The procedure involved is painful and demands sufficient preparation to sail through the recovery process easily. Here are some important tips that help patients to handle the consequences of wisdom teeth removal in Sydney.

Pay Attention to Oral Hygiene

After wisdom teeth removal, the patient must ensure that the mouth is kept clean at all times. A mild mouthwash maybe used until the patient gets comfortable with using a brush. Brushing techniques must be adjusted to avoid too much pressure on the affected area.

Take Ample Rest for Minimal Bleeding

The first 24 hours after the surgery must be marked by complete rest. Any activity that increases the blood pressure of the patient or over usage of aspirin may enhance bleeding. Ice packs can be used to bring down and swelling and patients must rest with their head at an elevated angle.

Dry Sockets Must Be Avoided

A common issue with wisdom teeth removal Sydney is dry sockets. This condition occurs when protective blood clots fail to form or settle over the empty socket. To avoid the pain of dry sockets patients must keep away from smoking, using straws or any activity that requires sucking for few days after the surgery.

Avoid Intense Work after Surgery

Patients who undergo wisdom teeth removal usually return back to their normal routine within a week. However strenuous tasks like gym work-outs and lifting heavy objects must be avoided to enable speedy recovery.

To know more visit