Ensure you are the Right Candidate for the Procedure
A dental surgeon considers all consequences and alternatives before suggesting the removal of wisdom teeth. Patients may discuss details pertaining to their additional medical problems or drug allergies to ensure suitability.
Preparing for the Day of Surgery
Wisdom teeth removal in Sydney is an outpatient procedure and can be completed within a few minutes. Patients who will be treated under the influence of general anaesthesia must find help to drive back home. Fasting before the procedure is also required in the case of general anaesthesia to avoid the feeling of nausea. Any queries regarding the intake of other regular medications must be addressed the day before the procedure.
Pain Management after the Procedure
There is hardly any swelling and pain. If you find any pain or swelling, pain killers and cold packs must be sufficient to take care of the pain after the surgery. Having these pain killers prescribed the day before and stocking up on the cold packs saves a bleary trip to the pharmacy.
Recovery at Home
Ample rest, right diet and good oral hygiene will help easy recovery of the patient. Avoid chewing hard food, smoking and strenuous workouts for few days after the procedure.
More than 85% of the people undergo this surgery and it is absolutely normal and safe to take up the process with a trusted surgeon.
About Author: Dr. Paulo Pinho is a certified and experienced dental surgeon working in both Melbourne and Sydney. He is also a member of the Australian Dental Association & International Team for Implantology. To know more visit http://www.drpaulopinho.com.au/ or Call 1300 721 184

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