Showing posts with label oral surgeon in Sydney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oral surgeon in Sydney. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Things You Ought To Know About Your Pearly Whites

best oral surgeon in Sydney

Dentistry was not always as sophisticated as it is in this day and age. Nevertheless, the no matter the ages; people have always been acquainted with the importance of shiny and strong teeth. Right from prehistoric man who first designed prosthetic teeth to children today who still eagerly await the tooth fairy; many cultures are packed full with the importance of teeth.

So, gear up to delve into the history of your pearly whites for these tooth facts are sure to intrigue you.

A fact that few are aware of is that the famous George Washington used prosthetic teeth in the form of dentures. His set was fashioned out of a bizarre range of steel coupled with man and animal incisors to help him regain his lost bite.

People today use gold crowns to decorate their molars. In ancient times, quite a few men tried to fill their pearly whites with precious jewels. Researchers say that the primary objective of this was to further the appeal of their pearly whites.

The dentists of today were not the first people to come up with the ideal of synthetic teeth. The idea originated during the Mayan civilisation’s existence as they thought of alternatives to help people chew their food over two thousand five hundred years earlier. However, since they didn’t have talented dentists of this age at their disposal, their efforts at prosthetic molars remained fairly uncomfortable. Undoubtedly people have better options today with the best oral surgeon in Sydney who can offer solutions to a number of oral woes.

The Mayans even developed a primordial borer that could festoon their pearly whites. Ornamentation was not all they sought for they would even sharpen their incisors and shape them to add to the excitement.

Just as America has a tooth fairy culture to please kids, other nations explore different origins to the same tale. The most intriguing of these is the wily mouse Perez who is the Spanish version of the tooth fairy. While the American folklore states that the fairy blesses your little one with a gift after collecting the first pearly white stored under the cushion; the mouse operates quite differently. Perez collects the fallen pearly white from a tumbler filled with water before leaving a present!

Early on in the 18th century, blacksmiths were the ones who performed teeth removals, as they had the tools for it. Dentistry saw improvement by leaps and bounds in the late 1800’s. This was when people began to study dental science as denizens’ desperately desired some uncomplicated yet safe ways to deal with tooth removal and even get dentures as substitutes for their lost teeth.

The scenario today is vastly encouraging as people can consult with an oral surgeon in Sydney whenever they experience oral issues like tooth ache, bad breath or even have a fallen molar. Moreover, modern inventions like painless dentistry can certainly help children as well as adults when they opt for orthodontic procedures.

Click Here to know more useful tips on your pearly teeth.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Friday 26 August 2016

The importance of making intervallic dentist appointments

Taking time out from your daily life and busy schedule to make periodic dentist appointments is something that always seems to drift to the back of your mind. But, recently conducted research on the initial stages of gum disease and the severity of tooth decay has only further stressed the importance of oral health. This has urged people to be more proactive about their tooth and gum health.

Heading to the dentist for routine appointments is just another way to ensure that your pearly whites are disease free and gleaming. This write-up explains the importance of your periodic dentist visits.

1.    Periodic dental appointments can lead to a prompt diagnosis whenever you have any oral issues. Be it foul breath or tenderness in your gums; they could be indicators of a condition that is more sinister than it appears. Your dentist will best be able to put your worries at ease to dish out prompt medication to manage or even cure your ailment.

2.    Routine visits ensure that the specialist is well updated about your dental as well as medical history. He will also know of your medicine allergies and have a list of the pills (if any) you are consuming at present. This can be extremely useful when you have to rush to the dentist for a terrible tooth ache or after a nasty accident that has resulted in broken teeth.

3.    In the event that you are miserable from intensely decayed teeth, your dentist would advise you to act sooner rather than later with an extraction. He can also educate you about your options and help you get teeth implants to replace your missing tooth.

4.    Insisting on regular appointments with a renowned oral surgeon in Sydney gives you the opportunity to seek expert counsel regarding the best teeth cleaning methods. Right from the proper brushing technique, rinsing, to flossing and the best mouthwash to use, you have an expert’s guidance. You can use it to ensure that your teeth and gums are always healthy and devoid of damaging cavities.

Click Here to know more about the importance of making intervallic dentist appointments.

Sunday 31 July 2016

Aftercare Tips to Speed up Wisdom Teeth Healing

The removal of impacted wisdom teeth is a serious procedure and the risks of unnecessary pain and the complications of infection and swelling is more. However, following a proper post-operative care helps you to minimise these risks and enables fast recovery. The speed of recovery may vary from person to person but an experienced oral surgeon in Sydney can provide you an expert advice on how to ease any pain and help recovery of the area after wisdom tooth removal.

Tips to Follow Immediately After Surgery

    A gauze pad should be placed over the surgical area at least for half an hour and after that the gauze pad should be removed.

    Avoid vigorous mouth rinsing and it may initiate bleeding by causing the blood clot that has formed to become dislodged.

    As you begin to feel discomfort, take the prescribed medications at regular intervals of time in the right amount.

    Place ice packs on the sides of your face to avoid facial swelling.

    Take small sips while drinking and avoid hot drinks.

After 24 Hours of Surgery

    Avoid solid foods and eat only soft foods while necessary.

    Use salt water to rinse your mouth and prevent wound infection, and avoid using mouth washes with chemical ingredients for few days.

    Applying Chlorhexidine over the wound to improve healing time by killing bacteria at the site.

    The stitches placed will dissolve away over a week or two, if it’s not schedule an appointment with the best oral surgeon in Sydney to get the stiches removed.

Foods to Avoid Eating After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After the wisdom teeth removal, one should modify their diet plan to prevent secondary side effects. Here is a list of few foods you should avoid for a quick recovery.

Hot and Spicy Food

As the hot temperatures initiates the breakdown of the blood clot in the socket and can lead to dry socket or infection, you should avoid taking hot and spicy food for first few days. Opt for soft foods such as vegetable soup, mashed potatoes or soft pasta in room temperature.


Soda and carbonated drinks should be avoided since they can weaken blood clot and increase the risk that it will dislodge in your mouth. But remain hydrated to keep your oral mucosa moist and the clots in place.


Don’t drink alcohol for at least 24 hours after wisdom teeth removal. Also, consult your oral surgeon to find out if alcohol will interfere with any pain medication you are taking after the surgery.

In addition to these, say no to foods that contain small seeds, such as sesame seeds or poppy seed. Because, these small grains and seeds can get lodged in the tooth sockets causing more discomfort and pain.

Dr Paulo Pinho, the leading dental surgeon in both Melbourne and Sydney offer you more aftercare tips to take good care of your dental implants. Visit

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Steps to Finding an Expert Oral Surgeon

An oral surgeon in Sydney is a professional who is licensed to perform different kinds of operations and surgeries to correct or remedy various oral defects. If you know you have healthy teeth, but some undesirable habits and practices have deteriorated your oral condition, then you should consult an oral surgeon in Sydney. Usually, these unwanted habits and practices affect your teeth the most. Nowadays, when one is suffering from some severe oral problems, he or she visits the oral surgeon to fix the issue. Oral Surgery is also recommended when the removal of a wisdom tooth is necessary. The wisdom tooth is one of the most difficult to deal when it comes to dental health. Given the modern technology of our days, there are many oral surgeries you can choose from.

Oral Surgery Should Be Performed Only by Professionals

Oral surgery being a salient procedure requires real and highly trained professionals to perform. It's the reason why you should find an oral surgeon that is not only properly authorised to perform such a surgery, but also experienced enough. You need to find someone professional and experienced if you want your surgery to yield useful results and to ensure the condition doesn't get aggravated. The best oral surgeon in Sydney will take good care of your teeth, making sure the condition you are suffering from doesn’t return.

Finding an Oral Surgeon

It is not that difficult to find an oral surgeon. You can look up on the Internet and in oral surgeons’ directories. Here it is possible to browse as many clinics as you want by country. You can choose where to have your oral surgery. The sites that you browse may give you information on the specialisation of the oral surgeons that are listed. Another place to look for oral surgeons is in the newspapers. You can also look up in magazines and telephone directories. Referrals from friends and family are also a good source to identify a good oral surgeon. As a matter of fact, finding your oral surgeon through referrals would be the best thing you could do. You can get information on the experience, the costs and the location from a friend or someone in your family. Finding an oral surgeon is not that difficult, as long as you know where to look.

Perform a Background Check on Your Oral Surgeon

If you have found the oral surgeon that you are looking for, don’t forget to check him or her out before going to have the surgery. Make sure the surgeon of your choice has the required experience, and he or she is authorised to function as an oral surgeon. Going to someone inexperienced may cause more harm than you already have. Experienced oral surgeons will know what to do about your problem, and they will ensure it doesn't get any worse. Find someone you can trust and you should be fine.

Are you looking for an experienced oral surgeon in Sydney? Contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a certified oral surgeon who has over 15 years of experience in dental industry. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Saturday 19 March 2016

Important Signs That It’s Time to Contact Your Oral Surgeon after a Dental Implant

In case you are missing a tooth or some teeth, an oral surgeon in Sydney might suggest a dental implant to fix the missing teeth. Post the oral surgery, the dentist will explain all the eating precautions and complications you need to watch out for. In case any of the following problems arise post your implant surgery, it may be time to immediately contact your surgeon and book an appointment.

When Pain Medications Aren’t Helping

Your surgeon will normally prescribe some pain meds (antibiotics) to ease the pain post-surgery. However, if you don’t find any relief with the medicines, contact the doctor. He will prescribe something stronger at least for the first few days till the pain subsides. Remember to follow the instructions on the prescription properly. Many of these medications cannot be mixed with alcohol as it can cause drowsiness and affect your ability to drive properly.

When Bleeding Persists

Post the surgery, your dentist will ask you to bite firmly on a piece of gauze to stop the bleeding. He will also give you a packet of gauze to take home and place on the surgical spot. Make sure that you keep replacing the gauze pads until your bleeding completely stops. When the bleeding persists for a long time and doesn’t seem to reduce or stop at all, it may be time to call your surgeon right away.

When the Swelling Continues

Usually, swelling is normal for a day or two post an implant surgery. You can use an ice pack for twenty minute intervals post the surgery for about six hours. For the next two days, you can continue using the ice pack. On the third day, try to apply moist heat like a tea bag to the spot to relieve the discomfort. However, in some cases, the swelling does not go down and continues to rise. In such a scenario, remember to contact your surgeon and pay him a visit to make sure you don’t have any complications. It is best to keep your head elevated for two days post the surgery and stay away from strenuous activities for at least 3-4 days.

Getting a dental implant is one of the safest and long-term solutions to replace your missing tooth and protect your ability to chew. However, a healthy recovery is vital post the surgery. Choose the best oral surgeon in Sydney to conduct your procedure and make sure you watch out for these signals to ensure there are no further complications. For dental implants in Sydney, contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a reputed dental surgeon in Sydney. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Monday 8 February 2016

Steps to Consider Before an Oral Dental Surgery?

 In the earlier times, teeth were meant to last a lifetime. It is not the case nowadays. If you have had dental problems for some time now and decided to opt for a dental surgery, then you need to remember a few things to go through the process smoothly.

Be Mentally Prepared: The first step is to be mentally prepared for the surgery. You should discuss all the procedural details with the oral surgeon in Sydney so that you don’t fear the worst. You should also talk about the sedation options to reduce your pain and fear. Remember it’s entirely safe and standard these days.

Take Rest: Another step that you can’t miss out is to take ample rest before the surgery. You should not stay awake worrying about the surgery as it will do you no good. Sleep for at least 6-8 hours before the surgery so you can keep your mind calm during the procedure.

Eat Light: Talk to your dentist about foods you can eat and when can you eat them. It may be necessary for you not to eat anything before 8 hours of the surgery. It’s better to follow the instructions rather than postponing your appointment due to the food you had consumed unknowingly.

Finalise Your Company: Even if you have chosen the best oral surgeon in Sydney for your procedure, you should remember to take someone with you to the dental clinic. Apart from offering moral support, the person accompanying you may need to drive you back home. It’s not advisable for a person who has had anaesthesia to drive for a few hours. To know more, visit or Call Dr. Paulo Pinho @ 1300 721 184

Saturday 14 November 2015

Oral Surgeon – What Do They Do?

An Oral Surgeon, not to be confused with a dental surgeon, is someone who is specialised in the surgical treatments for alleviating diseases, defects and injuries confining to the face, mouth, teeth and jaws. Oral Surgery, also known as maxillofacial surgery is recognised as one of the nine specialty areas in dentistry. An oral surgeon in Sydney is NOT as same as a dental surgeon. A dental surgeon, also called as dentist, is concerned only with surgeries in mouth such as wisdom teeth removal and related treatments. Whereas, an oral surgeon has an expertise wider than dentists, undertaking an additional 4 to 6 years in training than dentists making them skilful in performing complex surgeries.

An oral surgeon does the following:

    Removes impacted or diseased teeth, providing anaesthesia, such as intravenous sedation and general anaesthesia.

    Repair minor-to-complex skin lacerations on the face, set fractured jaw and facial bones & treating other facial injuries that involves eye sockets, nasal bones and many others.

    Placing dental implants for restoring lost teeth with the assistance of cosmetic dentists, who can help in restorations or designing new smiles.

    Perform Orthognathic surgery, used for realigning jaws, that is done in concurrence with the jaw joints.

    Alleviate birth defects for children born with cleft lip and palette. They shall undergo multiple surgeries for resolving this condition.

    Perform biopsies of tissues for the removal of oral cancers.

A right oral surgeon in Sydney will have the enough skills and experience in the above mentioned procedures and will also be approachable with his/her patients. Make sure they meet all the necessary criteria of an ideal oral surgeon, thereby giving you confidence and comfort in getting the oral treatment done.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Pain Management Methods Offered During Wisdom Tooth Extraction

It is not unusual for people to be anxious about dental treatments. The possibility of experiencing stinging or discomfort prompts patients to put off surgery, when they cannot do without one. The truth is that dentists employ some truly exceptional pain management methods during surgery. They ensure that you have a painless procedure and eliminate all possible tooth trouble. Read on to know about your pain management options.

Using Laughing Gas?

Breathing in nitrous oxide lets people be awake and responsive during the procedure. Although there is no ache, patients can feel slight vibrations while their tooth is being extracted. They may also experience a light pressure when the dental surgeon in Sydney presses down on the site of extraction. However, the laughing gas does take away most of the nervousness about the procedure leaving the patient feeling at ease.

Opting for Local Anaesthesia

Patients are allotted medication to consume prior to the appointment and they must also fast for a few hours before the procedure. Local anaesthesia ensures that your mouth is numbed and that you are asleep during surgery. After surgery effects include disorientation and no memory of the extraction. The individual will also need a family member or friend’s assistance on the trip home after the procedure.

When you visit an oral surgeon in Sydney and talk about your options, you are usually given a choice to opt for local anaesthesia or laughing gas. While both manage pain, you can make your decision based on whether you wish to watch as your teeth are extracted.

To know more visit