Showing posts with label wisdom tooth removal in Sydney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wisdom tooth removal in Sydney. Show all posts

Monday 30 May 2016

Complications That May Appear After Wisdom Tooth Removal

Usually performed in your dentist’s office, wisdom tooth extraction is something that is very commonly done. There are many reasons your dentist will recommend wisdom tooth removal. These include the risk of infection, crowding, damage to surrounding teeth, and the incorrect development pattern of the teeth. It doesn’t matter the reasons why you may need your wisdom teeth removed. Usually, the procedure is a very safe one. Recovery periods are short. However, as with any other surgery, there are risks and some complications may appear. Wisdom tooth removal in Sydney will help you get rid of any of the wisdom teeth that may be bothering you, without any complications. However, it is better that you know what difficulties may appear when this kind of operation is involved.

Minor Complications in Wisdom Tooth Removal
After any surgery, patients experience some discomfort and swelling. It is true when it comes to wisdom tooth removal too. Some of the minor complications when a wisdom tooth removal is executed:

•    Bleeding gums
•    Pain in the jaw
•    Damage to previously made dental work
•    Pain and swelling in the gums

The good news is that these complications don’t persist for more than two or three days. Besides, some patients may suffer complications from the anaesthetic used before and during the surgery. Patients who undergo a general anaesthetic are usually exposed to a very small risk of death. With all these minor complications, removal of wisdom teeth in Sydney remains one of the most common dental procedures. The surgery is completed without any problems.

More Serious Complications

Rarely, patients may go through more serious complications. While these complications will prolong the patient’s discomfort, they are not life threatening. With proper medical care, most patients undergoing wisdom tooth removal can avoid problems while recovering from the surgery.

Dry Socket, also known as Alveolar Osteitis

Appearing only in 5 to 10% of the wisdom tooth extraction procedures, dry socket is characterised by a throbbing pain after removal. It occurs when a blood clot doesn’t properly form, and the pain receptors and the jaw bone remain exposed at the extraction site. Since the socket will become more irritated with time, the pain may last from 3 to 5 days after surgery. You can prevent dry socket by avoiding smoking, spitting or any activity that involves the change of pressure in the mouth. Avoid drinking carbonated beverages and do not cough and sneeze too often.

Nerve Damage

When wisdom tooth extraction happens, the nerves in your mouth may get damaged. The symptoms of this complication are usually numbness in the lips, tongue, cheeks, and gums. Less than 10%, the incidence of nerve damage after wisdom tooth removal cannot offer an accurate picture of how often this complication occurs.

Reacting to Medication

In case you suffer from vomiting, nausea or drowsiness after your surgery, you may be having a reaction to medications or the anaesthetic. 

If you are looking for wisdom teeth removal in Sydney, contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a certified oral surgeon who has over 15 years of experience in dental industry especially wisdom teeth removal. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Things You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom tooth is a general term used for any of the four third molars in every quadrant of a human permanent dentition. They are also the farthest in the dental arch from the front tooth. You may know somebody who claims he does not have a wisdom tooth. Maybe he is right. Third molars of some individuals do not develop completely. It is also possible that people think they do not have a wisdom tooth, but it is just there impacted under the gums.

Do I Have One?

Most people get curious whether they have wisdom teeth or not. It is important to know that wisdom teeth develop between the ages of 17 to 23. The primary indication that a person has wisdom teeth is by visual inspection. Try to examine your mouth if you have three permanent molars in the four corners of your dental arch. If there is none, chances are, the teeth were not able to erupt yet. Radiography like X-ray can confirm hidden wisdom teeth.

Do Wisdom Teeth Hurt?

Wisdom teeth surface the gums through a process of eruption. During an eruption, wisdom teeth produce a discomforting throbbing or pressure at the back portion of your jaws creating the aching sensation. Imagine your gums being cut open to give way to a tooth. Not all people experience pain during an eruption of wisdom teeth. The Severe pain only occurs when there is no enough space for a wisdom tooth to grow.

Should Wisdom Teeth be removed?

Wisdom tooth removal in Sydney is a common sight on various dental clinics. Not all wisdom teeth need to be extracted, though. You can retain your third molars if they are:

•    Healthy
•    Fully exposed or erupted
•    Accessible for cleaning
•    Correctly positioned in the dental arc
•    Not causing discomfort

In contrast, you need to see a dentist for a possible wisdom tooth extraction if there is:

•    Recurring infection of the surrounding tissues
•    Presence of cysts or abscess
•    Damage to the adjacent teeth
•    Gum diseases

Should these symptoms occur and you fail to have your wisdom tooth extracted, you are making yourself prone to more severe problems that may arise. You need to contact your dentist immediately.

Problems that May Occur Due to Abnormal Wisdom Teeth Eruption:

Most wisdom teeth in Sydney grow in very narrow areas leaving no enough room for growth. The absence of insufficient space for the third molar can cause serious problems such as:

Pericoronitis – this is the most common issue resulting due to a poorly erupted wisdom tooth. The opening left by the eruption becomes a breeding ground for bacteria that causes infection. Since third molars are the most posterior tooth, they are not that accessible for cleaning.

Dental Carries – these are trapped foods and foreign materials in between the molars brought about by the imperfect position of tooth growth. Deep periodontal pockets and gum recession are just some of the effect of dental carries.

Inflamed Operculum – this is the result of a partially erupted wisdom tooth exposing the gums to bacteria causing infections that may lead to serious oral health problems like halitosis.

Wisdom teeth are as equally important as the rest of your teeth. However, if it causes problems that will compromise your overall oral health, it is best to let it go.

If you are looking for wisdom teeth removal in Sydney, contact Dr Paulo Pinho, a leading and experienced dental surgeon in Sydney with over 15 years of experience in dental industry. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Sunday 27 March 2016

When Is the Right Time to Opt for a Wisdom Tooth Removal Sydney?

Many people get their wisdom teeth removed during their late teens or early twenties. While many dentists will have conflicting views about whether you should keep or remove your wisdom teeth in Sydney, it is best to consult a professional who specialises in this stream for the best opinion. Most people are extremely scared by just thinking about the extraction process. However, in many cases, getting the teeth removed can reduce your pain and future hassles to a great extent. Many specialised oral surgeons will suggest an extraction if you have any of the following problems:

1. There Is No Room for the Wisdom Teeth

Usually, 28 teeth fit comfortably in our jaw before the wisdom teeth start emerging. In some cases, the jaw is quite small and it can’t accommodate the 4 new teeth that are trying to make their way in. This can negatively impact the wisdom teeth, cause problems in their complete eruption. In such cases, it is crucial to remove the wisdom teeth to keep enough space for the other 28 teeth.

2. Chronic Pain in the Gums near Wisdom Teeth

If the wisdom teeth have erupted partially and caused an infection around the gums, you will experience prolonged chronic pain. Furthermore, when food or bacteria gets trapped in this area, the pain will increase and result in an infection called pericoronitis. Removing the wisdom teeth is the only solution to prevent further painful infections.

3. Sideways or Misaligned Teeth

Sometimes, a particular wisdom tooth might not emerge straight. They erupt fully but tend to come sideways, causing the other teeth to shift over a period of time. If misaligned teeth are not handled at the right time, they can cause a lot of trouble to the nearby teeth.

4. Development of a Cyst

In rare cases, a cyst develops around your wisdom tooth as the sac near the tooth gets filled with some fluid. This can cause serious damage to the bone or tooth root and if not treated on time, can even result in a tumour.

What to Expect During the Procedure?

If you’re considering wisdom tooth removal in Sydney for the first time, remember to ask your doctor the following things to make sure you are well-aware of the procedure.

1. How many teeth will be removed?

While some doctors remove all four together, others prefer to remove one at a time.

2. What anaesthesia will be used?

If you’re given a local anaesthesia, you will be able to go home on your own. In the case of a general anaesthesia, you might need to bring someone along to take you home.

3. What will be the length of the procedure?

It’s always good to know how long your procedure will last.

4. Instructions to follow pre and post-surgery?

Make sure you have written all instructions to ensure a healthy recovery.

Always trust a specialised expert to guide you through the procedure and give you valuable guidance on your wisdom teeth queries. Are you looking for high quality and affordable wisdom teeth removal in Sydney? Contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a leading dental surgeon in Sydney who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years, limiting his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Monday 15 February 2016

Why Consider Extraction Method for Getting Rid of Painful Wisdom Teeth?

There’s rarely any pain that’s worse than a toothache. If you have become a victim of it as your wisdom teeth have not grown in the correct manner, then the only viable choice is to get rid of it. In some cases, the dentist will shape your teeth, but sometimes you may have to opt for the extraction method where the painful tooth is extracted from the root. Why should you opt for the extraction method if it sounds scary? Here are the reasons:

It's Swift: The process of wisdom tooth removal in Sydney will only take a few minutes if you choose the right dentist. In most cases, you are allowed to leave the dental clinic within an hour. If you have a job where you don’t have to talk much, you can even go to your office after the extraction process is over.

It's Worth the Price: The cost of the procedure is not very hefty when compared to the pain you may suffer due to the wisdom teeth. Once you go in for the extraction method and get instant relief, you will be thankful to the dentist.

It's Pain-free: If you are scared to get rid of your wisdom teeth due to fear of pain, then you needn’t worry. In most cases, the dentist will offer you sedation before starting the extraction process, so you don’t feel any pain. There are rarely any side effects of the sedation drugs, and you can suggest them if your dentist hasn’t recommended them to you during the procedure.

To know more about Wisdom teeth removal, visit or Call Dr. Paulo Pinho @ 1300 721 184