Thursday 21 April 2016

What to Do During Emergency Dental Situations?

 Your teeth are an essential part of your overall oral health. Keeping your teeth healthy and sparkling white is as important as maintaining a healthy body. Just like any other part of your body, your teeth may encounter emergency situations that need immediate care. Dental emergencies are often accompanied by pain originating from the tooth that resonates to the surrounding tissues.

Dentists to the Rescue

In the case of urgent situations, it is better to consult a dental professional to avoid enduring excruciating pain. There are a lot of emergency dentists in Sydney that can help relieve the pain and diagnose the cause of pain. Should dental pain arise and you feel like it needs urgent attention, do not hesitate to contact your dentist to avoid worsening the problem. 

Immediate Response

All dental emergencies can potentially lead to a more severe problem if taken for granted. Once ignored, a mere tooth pain can lead to permanently damaged tooth, halitosis and other oral problems that need more intensive and expensive treatment. Below are some emergency dental problems and steps on how to handle them.


Toothaches are the most common dental problems that may arise any time of the day. Though you may have your personal emergency dentist in Sydney, you have to wait for his clinic hours to be accommodated. Should you experience severe teeth and gum pains, rinse your mouth with warm water. Since toothaches are often caused by lodged food in the spaces between your teeth, use dental floss to remove these foreign particulates. In the event of swollen gums, apply cold compress outside. Avoid putting an aspirin directly to aching tooth as it could burn the tissues surrounding it.

Chipped Tooth

In the case of a chipped tooth, the first thing to do is to save any pieces that you can recover. Wash your mouth with warm water to clean it and rinse the broken pieces. Should bleeding occur, damp a piece of gauze to the broken tooth until the bleeding stops. If the lips are swollen near the broken tooth, use an ice bag or cold compress to ease the bump. Bring the broken pieces to your dentist as soon as possible and he will evaluate if the tooth can be restored.

Extruded Tooth

Extruded tooth needs immediate care of your personal dentist. Until you are under the care of your dental professional, apply a cold compress to the area of the dislodged tooth. The application of cold compress helps stop the bleeding. If there is a pain, take some over the counter pain relievers to help you feel better.

Lost Filling

As an immediate measure to lost filling, you may apply a sugar-free gum or dental cement that can be bought over the counter. Remember to use sugarless gums since sugar may cause pain when introduced into the cavity of the tooth.

Keeping a healthy mouth is a vital part of your oral hygiene. For emergency dental situation use the tips mentioned above until you are under the care of your personal dentists to relieve pain and bleeding. Remember, these are just immediate responses to dental emergencies. This does not substitute what your dentist can do. Seeing a dental professional is still necessary.

If you are looking for an emergency dentist in Sydney, contact Dr Paulo Pinho, a leading and experienced dental surgeon in Sydney with over 15 years of experience in dental industry. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Friday 1 April 2016

10 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Dental Implant

Losing a tooth or a few teeth can be a nightmare for most of us. Our teeth play a vital role in the functioning of our body and even one missing tooth can cause a lot of problems in our daily routines. While there are many options to replace a missing tooth like dentures or bridges, dental implants in Sydney are rapidly gaining popularity due to their high success rate. We bring you the top 10 things you should know about implants before you head out to get one.

1.    A dental implant can support one or more artificial teeth. The implant is a titanium screw that is fixed to your jawbone when your tooth root falls off. This creates a strong foundation on which permanent teeth can be fixed to match your natural teeth.

2.    Dental implants provide greater comfort as you don’t have to worry about fixing or removing your dentures on a regular basis.

3.    Implants help you to chew food much easily compared to dentures. Many times, dentures don’t fit properly and they have a tendency to slip out when you’re chewing your food. Implants make it really easy for you to eat and enjoy your daily meals easily.

4.    There is no need to modify any other natural teeth in order to fit implants in your jaw. This ensures better oral health and long-term hygiene.

5.    Implants are designed to fuse with the jawbone. Thus, they become permanent just like your natural teeth and improve your overall appearance and confidence.

6.    Many people with dentures often complain of slurring or mumbling; but implants don’t slip and thus, ensure better speech and communication at all times.

7.    Implants are extremely simple and easy to maintain. They don’t need to be removed on a daily basis and thus, they last a long time without much effort or special care.

8.    The dental implant procedures are quite short. You can walk in a dentist’s office and walk out the same day with new shiny implants. Plus, the recovery period for an implant surgery is short as well. You may feel a sore mouth for some time post the procedure but with pain killers, you can feel comfortable again.

9.    Implants can last for decades. This means that they are a worthy investment that will keep you smiling and eating happily for a really long time.

10.    Sydney dental implants are not as expensive as you would imagine. Actually, considering the long-term benefits and advantages over dentures and bridges, they are a cost-effective and result-oriented solution.

In today’s competitive world, having confidence, self-esteem and a cheerful smile are crucial to your success. If you are troubled about a missing tooth or some problematic teeth, consider dental implants to be an excellent solution!

If you are looking for high quality and affordable dental implants in Sydney, contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a leading dental surgeon in Sydney who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years, limiting his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Sunday 27 March 2016

When Is the Right Time to Opt for a Wisdom Tooth Removal Sydney?

Many people get their wisdom teeth removed during their late teens or early twenties. While many dentists will have conflicting views about whether you should keep or remove your wisdom teeth in Sydney, it is best to consult a professional who specialises in this stream for the best opinion. Most people are extremely scared by just thinking about the extraction process. However, in many cases, getting the teeth removed can reduce your pain and future hassles to a great extent. Many specialised oral surgeons will suggest an extraction if you have any of the following problems:

1. There Is No Room for the Wisdom Teeth

Usually, 28 teeth fit comfortably in our jaw before the wisdom teeth start emerging. In some cases, the jaw is quite small and it can’t accommodate the 4 new teeth that are trying to make their way in. This can negatively impact the wisdom teeth, cause problems in their complete eruption. In such cases, it is crucial to remove the wisdom teeth to keep enough space for the other 28 teeth.

2. Chronic Pain in the Gums near Wisdom Teeth

If the wisdom teeth have erupted partially and caused an infection around the gums, you will experience prolonged chronic pain. Furthermore, when food or bacteria gets trapped in this area, the pain will increase and result in an infection called pericoronitis. Removing the wisdom teeth is the only solution to prevent further painful infections.

3. Sideways or Misaligned Teeth

Sometimes, a particular wisdom tooth might not emerge straight. They erupt fully but tend to come sideways, causing the other teeth to shift over a period of time. If misaligned teeth are not handled at the right time, they can cause a lot of trouble to the nearby teeth.

4. Development of a Cyst

In rare cases, a cyst develops around your wisdom tooth as the sac near the tooth gets filled with some fluid. This can cause serious damage to the bone or tooth root and if not treated on time, can even result in a tumour.

What to Expect During the Procedure?

If you’re considering wisdom tooth removal in Sydney for the first time, remember to ask your doctor the following things to make sure you are well-aware of the procedure.

1. How many teeth will be removed?

While some doctors remove all four together, others prefer to remove one at a time.

2. What anaesthesia will be used?

If you’re given a local anaesthesia, you will be able to go home on your own. In the case of a general anaesthesia, you might need to bring someone along to take you home.

3. What will be the length of the procedure?

It’s always good to know how long your procedure will last.

4. Instructions to follow pre and post-surgery?

Make sure you have written all instructions to ensure a healthy recovery.

Always trust a specialised expert to guide you through the procedure and give you valuable guidance on your wisdom teeth queries. Are you looking for high quality and affordable wisdom teeth removal in Sydney? Contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a leading dental surgeon in Sydney who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years, limiting his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Saturday 19 March 2016

Important Signs That It’s Time to Contact Your Oral Surgeon after a Dental Implant

In case you are missing a tooth or some teeth, an oral surgeon in Sydney might suggest a dental implant to fix the missing teeth. Post the oral surgery, the dentist will explain all the eating precautions and complications you need to watch out for. In case any of the following problems arise post your implant surgery, it may be time to immediately contact your surgeon and book an appointment.

When Pain Medications Aren’t Helping

Your surgeon will normally prescribe some pain meds (antibiotics) to ease the pain post-surgery. However, if you don’t find any relief with the medicines, contact the doctor. He will prescribe something stronger at least for the first few days till the pain subsides. Remember to follow the instructions on the prescription properly. Many of these medications cannot be mixed with alcohol as it can cause drowsiness and affect your ability to drive properly.

When Bleeding Persists

Post the surgery, your dentist will ask you to bite firmly on a piece of gauze to stop the bleeding. He will also give you a packet of gauze to take home and place on the surgical spot. Make sure that you keep replacing the gauze pads until your bleeding completely stops. When the bleeding persists for a long time and doesn’t seem to reduce or stop at all, it may be time to call your surgeon right away.

When the Swelling Continues

Usually, swelling is normal for a day or two post an implant surgery. You can use an ice pack for twenty minute intervals post the surgery for about six hours. For the next two days, you can continue using the ice pack. On the third day, try to apply moist heat like a tea bag to the spot to relieve the discomfort. However, in some cases, the swelling does not go down and continues to rise. In such a scenario, remember to contact your surgeon and pay him a visit to make sure you don’t have any complications. It is best to keep your head elevated for two days post the surgery and stay away from strenuous activities for at least 3-4 days.

Getting a dental implant is one of the safest and long-term solutions to replace your missing tooth and protect your ability to chew. However, a healthy recovery is vital post the surgery. Choose the best oral surgeon in Sydney to conduct your procedure and make sure you watch out for these signals to ensure there are no further complications. For dental implants in Sydney, contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a reputed dental surgeon in Sydney. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Is it Time to look for an Emergency Dentist?

Most people dread going to the dentist and thus, try to avoid this visit for as long as possible. However, in the case of an emergency, visiting an emergency dentist in Sydney can save your tooth and prevent future pain as well. Knowing that you have the option to visit a dentist during dental emergency can give you a lot of peace of mind as you will be assured of timely and effective treatment.

When Do You Need an Emergency Dentist?

A Bad Fall - Usually, you will need to see a dentist in an emergency when your tooth chips off, falls or tends to break. In the case of a major accident, some patients might need emergency dental surgeries. If your tooth has fallen out, it is important to attach it back within an hour’s time to save it. This makes it crucial to visit the dentist immediately without any second thought.

A Chip in the Tooth - In case your tooth has chipped or broken, the dentist will assess the situation and analyse whether the problem is medical or only aesthetic. In case there is no medical issue, you can opt for various options like a crown, veneers or filling the gap to avoid further complications.

An Unbearable Pain - Another reason people need emergency dental care is when they are experiencing unbearable pain, either in the wisdom tooth or numb aches in the mouth. If there is an abscess, you must visit the doctor immediately and get yourself treated without wasting any time. Most emergency dentists in Sydney are available 24 hours a day, all throughout the week so you don’t have to worry about finding a good dentist at any time of the day or night. 

Prevention is better than cure

While some emergency situations are unavoidable, certain precautionary measures can be taken to ensure that you don’t face an emergency very often.

•    If you or your children are indulging in sporting activities, make sure to wear the mouth guards so that your teeth are always protected from an unwanted collision.

•    Remember not to chew on hard things like frozen treats, hard candy or nuts or ice. Also, never try to open a bottle with your teeth, even though you may think it’s a cool thing to do.

•    Regular dental hygiene will also go a long way in avoiding emergency dental situations. Make sure you brush your teeth twice daily and floss them regularly to prevent infections and bad teeth.

•    Sometimes, an emergency visit to the dentist might cost you more than a normal appointment. Thus, it is best to book your dental appointment twice a year without fail to avoid any extra expenses.

Emergencies can strike at any time and demand special attention towards your teeth. However, with daily care and maintenance, you will be able to enjoy healthier and brighter teeth for a longer time.

If you are looking for experienced emergency dentist in Sydney, contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a reputed dental surgeon in Sydney. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Sunday 21 February 2016

How Dental Implants can improve your Life?

In our technologically advanced lifestyle, surgeries and implants have become familiar words. Unfortunately, some people find it difficult to seek the help of a dental expert for dental implants. If you are pondering over the option of dental implants and you are not sure about it then here are a few reasons why you should go for it without hesitation.

1.Removes Tooth Gaps: Some people have the misfortune of having tooth gap. They are teased mercilessly about it and often feel low on confidence due to it. This situation can be curbed by a dental implant where the dentist will remove the gap by adding a fake tooth in the gap. It will help you smile without hesitation.

2.Makes Chewing Easier: If you have a few teeth missing, chewing food can be a real nuisance. Some people decide to live on liquid foods in such scenarios when the solution is as simple as a dental implant followed by the placement of artificial teeth. You can also choose to get multiple implants if you have many teeth missing as they rarely have any side effects. 

3.Prevents Further Damage: Dental implants in Sydney help cover the gap in your teeth, and they can prevent further damage too. Imagine having to go for surgery if the gums that have no teeth are infected and filled with pus. Be smart and opt for a dental implant and cover all gaps with artificial teeth.

4.Boosts Your Confidence: Dental implants will increase your confidence as you’ll be able to enjoy good oral health once you opt for dental implants. These implants also make sure that your artificial teeth look as good as the natural ones.

5.To know more about dental implants, visit or Call Dr. Paulo Pinho @ 1300 721 184

Monday 15 February 2016

Why Consider Extraction Method for Getting Rid of Painful Wisdom Teeth?

There’s rarely any pain that’s worse than a toothache. If you have become a victim of it as your wisdom teeth have not grown in the correct manner, then the only viable choice is to get rid of it. In some cases, the dentist will shape your teeth, but sometimes you may have to opt for the extraction method where the painful tooth is extracted from the root. Why should you opt for the extraction method if it sounds scary? Here are the reasons:

It's Swift: The process of wisdom tooth removal in Sydney will only take a few minutes if you choose the right dentist. In most cases, you are allowed to leave the dental clinic within an hour. If you have a job where you don’t have to talk much, you can even go to your office after the extraction process is over.

It's Worth the Price: The cost of the procedure is not very hefty when compared to the pain you may suffer due to the wisdom teeth. Once you go in for the extraction method and get instant relief, you will be thankful to the dentist.

It's Pain-free: If you are scared to get rid of your wisdom teeth due to fear of pain, then you needn’t worry. In most cases, the dentist will offer you sedation before starting the extraction process, so you don’t feel any pain. There are rarely any side effects of the sedation drugs, and you can suggest them if your dentist hasn’t recommended them to you during the procedure.

To know more about Wisdom teeth removal, visit or Call Dr. Paulo Pinho @ 1300 721 184