Wednesday 26 April 2017

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

wisdom teeth removal in Sydney

Wisdom teeth were the answer to our ancestor’s early food style which includes coarse foods like nuts, roots, leaves, and meats that needs more munching power and resulted in excessive wear of their teeth. Now, the modern diet with its very soft foods, along with the modern technologies like spoons, forks and knives, has made the requirement for wisdom teeth non-existent. As a result, biologists categorise wisdom teeth as a body part that has become functionless due to advancement in technologies. 

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Wait Longer to Erupt?

The tooth development, from a baby’s primary teeth to his/her permanent teeth, takes place in a systematic order, with the first molar erupting at the age of 6 and the second molar around the age of 12. Wisdom teeth that begin forming at the age of 10 are the last set of molars, so they generally don’t erupt until you are between 17 and 25. Since this is the age that people are said to become wiser, this set of teeth has been nicknamed as “wisdom teeth”.

There are also a number of people who never get wisdom teeth, but for those who have, the number will be between one and four. According to some studies, on very rare occasions, more than four wisdom teeth may grow. Scientific works has yet to be able to explain why the number of wisdom teeth per individual varies. But for those who do get these unnecessary or extra teeth, it can lead to many problems.

Why Wisdom Teeth Create Problems?

Since human jaws have become smaller, when wisdom teeth erupt they often become blocked or impacted, by the other teeth around them. Likewise, if the wisdom tooth partially erupts, the food particles can get trapped in the gum tissue surrounding it, which will lead to bacteria growth and, possibly, very serious infection.

A wisdom tooth that does not erupt but remains stuck away can also lead to oral problems including crowding or displacement of permanent teeth. On very rare occasions, a cyst may form in the soft tissue surrounding the impacted wisdom tooth. These cysts will lead to jaw expansion, bone destruction, or damage to the surrounding teeth. Even more uncommonly, tumours can also develop in the cysts, which can lead to the jaw spontaneously breaking if the cyst or tumour grows too much. You should follow your dentist’s advice to stay free of gum disease.

There are few people in Sydney having wisdom teeth that function just as well as every other tooth in the mouth. As a result they do not need to undergo wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. But, we cannot predict when the third molar complications will occur, and some of the studies estimate that about 85% of wisdom teeth will eventually need to be removed.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Monday 26 December 2016

Dental Implants – Everything you need to know about the procedure

dental implants in Sydney
Dental implants are an immediate solution for replacement of missing teeth. The best professionals you could count on for placing dental implants include periodontist, oral surgeon as well as general dentists having good training on dental implants in Sydney. Such experts would place crowns, dentures and bridges, which will all look just like natural teeth. Here are some interesting and unknown facts about dental implants in Sydney. 

1.     Before placing an implant:

Before placing a dental implant, it is essential to determine if you are a good candidate or not. Fortunately, most of them are deemed to be good candidates to avail the treatment. Having enough bone density is a must in order to keep dental implants intact. That said, dental implants are not recommended for those involved in the following activities or conditions:
  1. Smoking
  2. Uncontrolled Diabetes
  3. Autoimmune Diseases
  4. Radiation Therapy for head and neck
Visit a dental professional who will analyse your condition and examine if you will qualify for dental implants or not. Dental implants are ideal for those who have missing teeth for several years, as well as for people who have lost their teeth due to gum diseases or infection. If you don’t have enough bone density, help is at hand as dentists will perform bone grafting procedure to make implants compatible for you. 

2.    Placing of implants: 

Placing dental implants is a two-step process.

During the initial step, the dentist or surgeon will use local anaesthesia and sedation if needed. The surgeon will make a cut on the gum to expose the bone and a hole would be drilled to place the implants. To make sure the implant is placed in the right way, an X-ray would be taken for examining the same.

The time required for completing this process depends on two factors: the number of implants placed, requirement of placing bone graft during the process.

Implants must have been integrated with the bone by this time, which means you’re good to go with the second step. After administering local anaesthesia, the implant is exposed. The protective screw will be removed and replaced with a metal healing cap.

It is only in the rarest of cases that dental implants do not successfully integrate with the jaw bone. In that case, your oral surgeon might remove the implants and replace them with slightly wider ones or place grafts to fill up the empty spaces to make the procedure even more successful. 

3.    Aftercare: 

Once the dental implants procedure is done with, it is normal to feel some discomfort. However, be informed that recovery times can vary from person to person. One of the major keys to a successful recovery is to maintain good oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene can create problems such as infections that will slow down the process of healing. 

Click Here to know more interesting and unknown facts about dental implants in Sydney. 

About Dr Paulo Pinho: 

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Sunday 6 November 2016

Why Dentures Are Losing Traction To Teeth Implants Today?

Dental implants cost in Sydney
Exceedingly popular options a few decades ago, dentures were the go-to substitute for people who had lost their teeth. However, recent times have seen a change with modern dentistry bringing new and improved alternatives like implants. Take a look at a few reasons why dentures seem to be losing traction as people prefer the low cost of dental implants in Sydney.

Outmoded options today

People seldom opt for an older version and model of automobile when there are newer and more advanced options available in the market. Dentures are facing the same problem with the advent of the exciting tooth implants. Since they were all the rage about 20 to 30 years ago, the youth of today is not accustomed to wearing them and even lacks awareness about them.

The advanced implants on the other hand, can be installed by being screwed on to the person’s jaw plate. This proffers a whole new level of stability and durability that dentures were never able to bring to the table.

Improved oral care

In the late 80’s and early 90’s these were a sought after solution because they were a great help to people who had lost all their pearly whites. However, oral care has evolved today to a stage where people are very much in tuned to their teeth cleaning needs. People make and keep regular dental appointments right from children to seniors, which ensure longevity for original teeth.

Adults are mindful of their diets and they make sure to include calcium for excellent tooth and bone health and even ensure that they are drinking uncontaminated water, so as to avoid discoloured teeth and other oral issues.

The stigma attached to dentures

A significant part of the populace opined that dentures are mainly meant for seniors. Dentists suggest opting for them when most of your pearly whites have fallen away due to age, cavities or a mishap. But the fact that younger patients could not connect to the solution is one of the reasons why it has lost popularity. Moreover, the youth notices seniors sporting them and are lured towards more appealing options.

Uncomfortable and unappealing

While dental implants integrate into the jaw plate to be strong and comfortable, they are quite desirable for seniors who are exhausted by their dentures popping out all of a sudden. Dentures can also be quite uncomfortable to slip on to your gums before every meal, and they can affect the way you smile and hamper your speech to some extent.

Inconvenient and proffer cleaning hassles

Implants are a more aesthetically pleasing option that avoids most of the denture hurdles. Since the latter present mundane removal and cleaning tasks; they are fast becoming obsolete to prosthetic teeth that are not only convenient but also permanent.

When next you get into the dentist’s chair, do find out the dental implants cost in Sydney and you will be in for a welcome surprise. The relatively affordable pricing offered by dentists for the sturdy implants are making them exceptionally popular as teeth replacements today!

Click Here to know more about dentures and teeth implants in Sydney.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Things You Ought To Know About Your Pearly Whites

best oral surgeon in Sydney

Dentistry was not always as sophisticated as it is in this day and age. Nevertheless, the no matter the ages; people have always been acquainted with the importance of shiny and strong teeth. Right from prehistoric man who first designed prosthetic teeth to children today who still eagerly await the tooth fairy; many cultures are packed full with the importance of teeth.

So, gear up to delve into the history of your pearly whites for these tooth facts are sure to intrigue you.

A fact that few are aware of is that the famous George Washington used prosthetic teeth in the form of dentures. His set was fashioned out of a bizarre range of steel coupled with man and animal incisors to help him regain his lost bite.

People today use gold crowns to decorate their molars. In ancient times, quite a few men tried to fill their pearly whites with precious jewels. Researchers say that the primary objective of this was to further the appeal of their pearly whites.

The dentists of today were not the first people to come up with the ideal of synthetic teeth. The idea originated during the Mayan civilisation’s existence as they thought of alternatives to help people chew their food over two thousand five hundred years earlier. However, since they didn’t have talented dentists of this age at their disposal, their efforts at prosthetic molars remained fairly uncomfortable. Undoubtedly people have better options today with the best oral surgeon in Sydney who can offer solutions to a number of oral woes.

The Mayans even developed a primordial borer that could festoon their pearly whites. Ornamentation was not all they sought for they would even sharpen their incisors and shape them to add to the excitement.

Just as America has a tooth fairy culture to please kids, other nations explore different origins to the same tale. The most intriguing of these is the wily mouse Perez who is the Spanish version of the tooth fairy. While the American folklore states that the fairy blesses your little one with a gift after collecting the first pearly white stored under the cushion; the mouse operates quite differently. Perez collects the fallen pearly white from a tumbler filled with water before leaving a present!

Early on in the 18th century, blacksmiths were the ones who performed teeth removals, as they had the tools for it. Dentistry saw improvement by leaps and bounds in the late 1800’s. This was when people began to study dental science as denizens’ desperately desired some uncomplicated yet safe ways to deal with tooth removal and even get dentures as substitutes for their lost teeth.

The scenario today is vastly encouraging as people can consult with an oral surgeon in Sydney whenever they experience oral issues like tooth ache, bad breath or even have a fallen molar. Moreover, modern inventions like painless dentistry can certainly help children as well as adults when they opt for orthodontic procedures.

Click Here to know more useful tips on your pearly teeth.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Thursday 22 September 2016

How teeth Implants can transform your life

Sought after for their pleasing appearance as much as their functionality; dental implants have long been accepted as the ideal substitutes for your lost pearly whites. Whatever the cause may be that lead to your tooth loss, getting implants as a replacement for your original incisors will mean a great change in your life.

This write-up is intended to help you understand the numerous ways in which artificial teeth have transformed the life of patients.

•    Surveys were conducted where dentists spoke to patients who had just undergone the implant procedure. Their revelations stated that far from being painful, the procedure helped them end the tooth ache that had made them miserable for ages.

•    Some individuals lose their pearly whites at an early age due to ill-fated accidents. In their case, artificial teeth that are stark white and closely resemble your own teeth come as a God send. They help you lead a normal life with no gawking and rude pointing when you smile, for the gaps are now filled with visually pleasing prosthetics.

•    One of the greatest ways implants have transformed lives is by returning seniors the ability of coherent speech.

•    A group of aged individuals over 60 pronounce their substitutes to be more than satisfactory. In fact the artificial teeth returned their lost bite allowing them to savour foods that they had shunned for decades. This is because the prosthetics are incredibly strong and screwed into your mouth to ensure that they are secure. They are just as strong as if not stronger than the pearly whites you were born with.

•    Individuals who had these prosthetics for over two decades remarked that they were as good as new! Far from losing their gleam or even their function, they continue to help the seniors chew even after the surrounding teeth have fallen away. This showcases extreme durability and justifies the cost of dental implants in Sydney, making them all the more appealing to patients.

•    Dentists have declared that implants can work wonders by improving your facial features as well. Since they replace the gaps in your gums, they can reinstate your youthful look to some extent. How this works is that your slightly sagging cheeks as well as your mouth gets a light lift with the added support of prosthetics.

•    Frequent cavities insight tooth ache, foul breath and other such disagreeable problems. Getting implants is a great way to ensure that you no longer have any cavities. Since these are generally made from titanium, they cannot degrade or rot due to germs. This allows you to rest easy knowing that your days of bad breath are behind you, which gives you a better social life.

•    An artificial tooth can regulate lost jaw mobility, which lets you fully resume activities abandoned due to fallen pearly whites. These include chomping down on juicy fruits or nuts and even chuckling, smooching, etc.

Click Here to know more about how teeth implants can transform your life.

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information

Saturday 10 September 2016

Why Dentures Are Losing Traction to Teeth Implants Today

Exceedingly popular options a few decades ago, dentures were the go-to substitute for people who had lost their teeth. However, recent times have seen a change with modern dentistry bringing new and improved alternatives like implants. Take a look at a few reasons why dentures seem to be losing traction as people prefer the low cost of dental implants in Sydney.

Outmoded options today

People seldom opt for an older version and model of automobile when there are newer and more advanced options available in the market. Dentures are facing the same problem with the advent of the exciting tooth implants. Since they were all the rage about 20 to 30 years ago, the youth of today is not accustomed to wearing them and even lacks awareness about them.

The advanced implants on the other hand, can be installed by being screwed on to the person’s jaw plate. This proffers a whole new level of stability and durability that dentures were never able to bring to the table.

Improved oral care

In the late 80’s and early 90’s these were a sought after solution because they were a great help to people who had lost all their pearly whites. However, oral care has evolved today to a stage where people are very much in tuned to their teeth cleaning needs. People make and keep regular dental appointments right from children to seniors, which ensure longevity for original teeth.

Adults are mindful of their diets and they make sure to include calcium for excellent tooth and bone health and even ensure that they are drinking uncontaminated water, so as to avoid discoloured teeth and other oral issues.

The stigma attached to dentures

A significant part of the populace opined that dentures are mainly meant for seniors. Dentists suggest opting for them when most of your pearly whites have fallen away due to age, cavities or a mishap. But the fact that younger patients could not connect to the solution is one of the reasons why it has lost popularity. Moreover, the youth notices seniors sporting them and are lured towards more appealing options.

Uncomfortable and unappealing

While dental implants integrate into the jaw plate to be strong and comfortable, they are quite desirable for seniors who are exhausted by their dentures popping out all of a sudden. Dentures can also be quite uncomfortable to slip on to your gums before every meal, and they can affect the way you smile and hamper your speech to some extent.

Inconvenient and proffer cleaning hassles

Implants are a more aesthetically pleasing option that avoids most of the denture hurdles. Since the latter present mundane removal and cleaning tasks; they are fast becoming obsolete to prosthetic teeth that are not only convenient but also permanent.

Click Here to know more about why dentures are losing traction to teeth implants today.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information

Monday 5 September 2016

8 Intriguing facts about your wisdom teeth

People who painstakingly do their best to maintain oral hygiene are often disappointed when their dentist advises extraction of a problematic tooth. However, due to no fault of theirs, this could be a natural issue that they face due to the notorious wisdom tooth. It has always been a debated issue as to whether or not these serve a purpose and if they actually demand extraction. Read on to find out more about them and you can get all your answers about your third molars.

1.    These are the last of your pearly whites to crop up in your gums. They come up at the back-end of your gums, which is where most individuals find it quite difficult to maintain sound oral hygiene.

2.    Both genders get their third molars around the age when they have passed 16 years and just prior to when they turn 25 years of age. However, many do not erupt successfully but face complications that then necessitate wisdom tooth removal in Sydney.

3.    Wondering what purpose they serve? Well, evolution is one of the major evidences that reveal the answer to this mystery. In ancient times, people were used to chomping down on animal flesh and a lot of raw foods that demanded a strong bite. This made an additional set of pearly whites a vital pre-requisite. Although our food habits evolved, the third molar still remains as a seemingly useless remnant of ancient times.

4.    Studies show that 8 out of 10 teens who are just nearing adulthood face problems with their newly erupted (or erupting) wisdom teeth. This is precisely why a lot of experts recommend extraction to ensure there are no hassles later when there is impaction.

5.    It may come as a surprise to you but not everyone has a third molar. A section of humans born today have evolved to exclude this tooth from their other set of pearly whites. However, this remains a rare occurrence.

6.    Not everyone has straightforward growth, as in some cases wisdom teeth in Sydney lean heavily on the surrounding molars. In others the teeth themselves erupt slanted, presenting complications around the roots and causing intense gum ache. Experts maintain that this mainly happens due to an inherent want of space in your jaw.

Click Here to know more facts about your wisdom teeth.