Monday 8 February 2016

Steps to Consider Before an Oral Dental Surgery?

 In the earlier times, teeth were meant to last a lifetime. It is not the case nowadays. If you have had dental problems for some time now and decided to opt for a dental surgery, then you need to remember a few things to go through the process smoothly.

Be Mentally Prepared: The first step is to be mentally prepared for the surgery. You should discuss all the procedural details with the oral surgeon in Sydney so that you don’t fear the worst. You should also talk about the sedation options to reduce your pain and fear. Remember it’s entirely safe and standard these days.

Take Rest: Another step that you can’t miss out is to take ample rest before the surgery. You should not stay awake worrying about the surgery as it will do you no good. Sleep for at least 6-8 hours before the surgery so you can keep your mind calm during the procedure.

Eat Light: Talk to your dentist about foods you can eat and when can you eat them. It may be necessary for you not to eat anything before 8 hours of the surgery. It’s better to follow the instructions rather than postponing your appointment due to the food you had consumed unknowingly.

Finalise Your Company: Even if you have chosen the best oral surgeon in Sydney for your procedure, you should remember to take someone with you to the dental clinic. Apart from offering moral support, the person accompanying you may need to drive you back home. It’s not advisable for a person who has had anaesthesia to drive for a few hours. To know more, visit or Call Dr. Paulo Pinho @ 1300 721 184

Monday 1 February 2016

Home Remedies to Alleviate Pain post Wisdom Teeth Removal

Impacted wisdom teeth have given you enough trouble and pain and now that you have got it pulled, you must be eager to know how you could relieve pains through the recovery period. Here are few recommended self-treatments you can do at home for an easy recovery, after undertaking wisdom teeth removal procedure.

Tips to follow immediately after surgery

1.    Avoid touching the wound area or rinsing of month vigorously after surgery. Doing so can cause bleeding.

2.    As soon as you feel any discomfort, take appropriate medications as advised by your surgeon.

3.    Do not proceed with your daily routines after surgery, unless and until you get to feel comfortable & your surgeon allows you to do so.


Occurrence of bleeding after surgery is possible and is normal. To control bleeding, rinse or wipe any old clots in mouth and place a gauge pad over the area for about thirty minutes. Biting on a moistened tea bag for about thirty minutes is also advised.


Start with light and liquid foods. Do not use straw but consume them from a drinking glass. Consume high calories, protein rich foods and if you chew, make sure you do that away from the surgical portion. Also ensure you are well hydrated by drinking water from time to time.


Swelling is apparent after surgery. But by using ice packs, the effects of swelling can be minimised. This is useful for up to 36 hours post-surgery after which, moist heat to the sides of the face is beneficial to minimise swelling.

Other tips include rinsing your mouth 5 to 6 times a day and consuming tablets prescribed by your surgeon.

These tips will help you alleviate pains easily and get through the recovery period after wisdom teeth removal procedure.

Friday 29 January 2016

4 Reasons to Seek Emergency Dental Care

In our times, people have become more aware of their dental hygiene. However, some of us still hesitate to visit a dentist instantly if we have a dental ailment. If you are among those who avoid dental issues until they become unbearable then here’s a list of 4 scenarios in which you must seek the assistance of an emergency dental care service provider.

1. Extreme Pain: If you are experiencing excruciating pain in your teeth, gums or any other part of your mouth then it’s time to visit your dentist. Sometimes, you may experience extreme pain instantly. It could be due to weak gums, broken teeth, etc. Only an experienced emergency dentist can help you in such cases as the dentist will be able to find the reason behind the pain and offer a permanent solution.

2. Bleeding: Sometimes people see little spots of blood when they brush their teeth or eat something cold or hard. It can be due to severe conditions like tooth decay, teeth cutting into gums, etc. In these cases, you should consider visiting the emergency dentist instantly.

3. Unusual Swelling: If you experience extreme swelling in your mouth, and it’s become visible from the outside then you need help. A dentist would be able to tell you whether the swelling is due to a minor reason like a toothache or some bacteria had damaged your tooth and made it infectious.

4. Accident cases: If you met with an accident where damage was caused to your teeth or jaw was broken then you need to visit emergency dentists in Sydney. Remember, the sooner you get assistance, the lesser would be the damage. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Monday 25 January 2016

Obtaining Affordable Dental Implants is Possible – Details Inside!

Dental implants have become a ‘trendy’ option for replacing missing teeth. In the recent times, patients prefer dental implants to dentures, owing to the benefits that the former offers. However, I have witnessed a few of them whining over how the costs of dental implants are outrageous and why they would back off from getting them only for that reason. The fact is that when you meticulously look into the options and cost factors that determine the price, you would end up not paying much! Read to find out how dental implant costs are determined.

The major factors that determine the cost of implants are:

    Proficiency of a dentist

    Type of implant

    Location of implants

    Number of treatment sessions required

So how do you find a good quality implant at an inexpensive price?

1.    For those who prefer affordability, go for immediate implant treatment. This is a procedure that can be completed in just about 15 minutes and the entire treatment course would be accomplished within almost two weeks or less. The process is quick and easy to complete, hence they are priced lower and doesn’t impose any problems.

2.    It is indeed true that complicated cases of missing teeth will require extensive treatments that can take the price higher, but with enough research it is easy to find out services that offer such treatments at reasonable rates with great quality.

3.    Consult a dentist. Ask him your questions regarding dental implants and dental implant costs. You could also enquire about the aforementioned factors pertaining to his service so that you can arrive at an estimate.

By paying clear attention to the cost factors and by looking for affordable treatment options, procuring implants at a cost you desire should be easy!

Monday 18 January 2016

Tooth Implants are Ideal for Replacing Missing Teeth – Here’s why

Loss of teeth can happen for a variety of reasons. It can be an outcome of disease, aging or accidents. Tooth implants have become a boon for patients looking to replace missing teeth. Tooth implants or dental implants are artificial teeth that are placed into the jaw withholding replacement teeth. Here are some points that explain why tooth implants have become the perfect substitutes for natural teeth.

    As tooth implants resolve the problem of missing teeth, they help you restore your smile and give you great boost in confidence and self-esteem. The adoption of implants has increased over the years & advancements in technology have made it much easier to use and maintain.

    Technological advancements have also made tooth implants affordable for all, with no compromise in quality and durability. Implants also let you avoid the usage of dentures which might be uncomfortable for some and are relatively costly. For certain patients, the neighbouring teeth will have to be altered or removed while placing dentures whereas implants don’t pose any such problems.

    Tooth implants are screw shaped components that are placed in the jawbone onto which the replacement teeth is fixed. Implants are very effective by the fact that they last for many years and look exactly like natural teeth.

    With dentists garnering great experience in tooth implant treatments, the failure rate of implant procedure has been subsiding year after year. More research information being available everywhere has allowed cosmetic dentists to take up implant training to update themselves about the developments in the field.

As implants offers a balance of durability and affordability, tooth implants have become a viable option to effectively replace missing tooth, letting you flaunt a great smile you have craved for!

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Wisdom Teeth: When to get it Removed?

Wisdom teeth are the final and third set of molars appearing at early teens or late twenties. Wisdom teeth don’t necessarily impose problems to everyone. Even though the process of wisdom teeth removal might sound intimidating to many, the actual experience you get is not as horrendous as you might think. Wisdom teeth removal is usually recommended when the following situations arise:

Wisdom teeth positioned improperly: With enough teeth in mouth, there won’t be any room left for wisdom teeth to erupt completely, hence they become misaligned. This makes wisdom teeth impacted leading to pains and this is when wisdom teeth removal becomes crucial for patients.

Feeling intense pain in the gums close to wisdom teeth: When wisdom teeth erupt partially, it can cause infection. Bacteria and food may also be trapped in those areas which can lead to a condition called Pericoronitis. This painful infection can be eliminated only by wisdom teeth removal procedure.

Wisdom teeth emerging sideways: When there isn’t enough space for wisdom teeth to emerge, they grow sideways. As they do so, the tooth next to it will be impacted as well. This can increase toothache and wisdom teeth removal will be the only solution to get rid of it.

Formation of Cyst: When the sac near your tooth is filled with fluid, Cyst can develop around the teeth. This eventually affects the surrounding structures such as the roots of the teeth. When Cyst is left untreated, it can develop into tumour which will require surgical procedures for being removed.

When situations like these come up, wisdom teeth removal becomes a mandatory procedure to effectively resolve the problems such as swelling, pains and more. Visit your dentist today and get your wisdom teeth removed before it’s too late.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Factors Involved in Wisdom Teeth Extraction Costs

Wisdom teeth removal treatments help one to get rid of impacted teeth and maintain exceptional oral hygiene. However, patients are sceptic about the charges that shall be incurred upon them, for availing such treatments. Such costs are not fixed as they are tied with certain factors that can vary from patient to patient, & other aspects. The common factors that define the wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney are as below:

    The costs are dependant over the type of extraction needed. Simple extractions are performed at basic or regular dentist costs, but when impacted teeth can cause lots of trouble, surgery is mandatory, which is comparatively costly.

    The costs can also vary depending on the dentist. There are no regulations on pricing for dental works, giving dentists the freedom to charge as per their comfort. This also gives customers an opportunity to shop around, with this consideration alone.

    The costs also vary on the basis of location. There are noticeable price differences between cities and rural areas. Rural areas incur lesser charges owing to the reduced competition and less resources.

    Insurance is a big factor that determines the cost. If the dentist is covered under your insurance provider, they can set a reduced fee which the dentist can charge you. Insurance can help reduce the costs to the maximum extent possible, mainly for simple procedures.

    The other factor includes the costs within the surgical procedure. This includes the prescribed medicinal costs, X-ray or CT scans & investing money for probiotics or nutrient rich foods.

It is highly recommended to invest enough time and effort on the above bases to find out the right wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney which is bearable to you.