Monday 1 February 2016

Home Remedies to Alleviate Pain post Wisdom Teeth Removal

Impacted wisdom teeth have given you enough trouble and pain and now that you have got it pulled, you must be eager to know how you could relieve pains through the recovery period. Here are few recommended self-treatments you can do at home for an easy recovery, after undertaking wisdom teeth removal procedure.

Tips to follow immediately after surgery

1.    Avoid touching the wound area or rinsing of month vigorously after surgery. Doing so can cause bleeding.

2.    As soon as you feel any discomfort, take appropriate medications as advised by your surgeon.

3.    Do not proceed with your daily routines after surgery, unless and until you get to feel comfortable & your surgeon allows you to do so.


Occurrence of bleeding after surgery is possible and is normal. To control bleeding, rinse or wipe any old clots in mouth and place a gauge pad over the area for about thirty minutes. Biting on a moistened tea bag for about thirty minutes is also advised.


Start with light and liquid foods. Do not use straw but consume them from a drinking glass. Consume high calories, protein rich foods and if you chew, make sure you do that away from the surgical portion. Also ensure you are well hydrated by drinking water from time to time.


Swelling is apparent after surgery. But by using ice packs, the effects of swelling can be minimised. This is useful for up to 36 hours post-surgery after which, moist heat to the sides of the face is beneficial to minimise swelling.

Other tips include rinsing your mouth 5 to 6 times a day and consuming tablets prescribed by your surgeon.

These tips will help you alleviate pains easily and get through the recovery period after wisdom teeth removal procedure.

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