Thursday 9 November 2017

How Dental Implants Sydney Can Improve the Quality Of Life

Dental implants Sydney
Dental implants Sydney are the ideal option for those who have a missing tooth due to decay, damage or accident. Not only for health purposes, dental implant are chosen for some cosmetic reasons too, as it can retrieve the beautiful smile by fixing dental crown at the spot where the tooth is missing. Dental implants act as a guard for dental bridges and dentures without damaging the surrounding teeth. We could agree with those benefits of dental implants, but it also improves the quality of life in an optimal manner.

Let’s pay heed below to know how dental implants Sydney can improve the quality of life.

Dental Implants Sydney Restore Mouth Function

When you have lost a tooth or multiple teeth, your face will appear unpleasant and it affects the way you speak. Also you can’t be able to bite and chew as usual. The reason behind this is that your bone growth is hindered due to tooth loss.  Opting dental implants can stimulate your bone growth and maintain the facial structure. When you receive dental implants from an experienced dentist, you can able to restore the function of your teeth completely and chew & bite just like your natural tooth.

Long Lasting

Though having dental implants is costly, it is totally cost effective and worth the money you spend. Dental implants have the potential to last longer; this feature makes it more significant and improves the quality of life. Once your dental implants fixed, you can feel as usual like your natural teeth. You no longer have to worry about the missing tooth and the longevity of the dental implants. Since the dental implants cost Sydney is costly, people show little concern on getting it without knowing the long lasting ability of implants.

You can be Tension Free of Moving Dentures

Due to the bone loss your denture can lose its grip over time, so that you need to change your dentures regularly to keep dentures fit and comfort; Because of this, patients are not interested in wearing dentures.

Dentures give glow to your face and increase confidence, simultaneously it needs to be removed and replaced often which is time consuming and annoying too. If you opt for dental implants you will be free from denture loose-fittings, since it can be fixed in one position throughout the day. You can create implant-retained denture that can be fitted obstinately in the mouth that will give confidence to the patients to eat, drink, and laugh without concerning about the denture loose fittings.

Natural Look

Most of the people prefer dental implants as it gives natural look and perfectly matches with the surrounding teeth. Your dental will be more natural as pearl white if you receive dental crown that is fixed in the spot of missing tooth.

People reject having dental implants due to the cost of dental implants in Sydney is little higher. But the above benefits make dental implants cost worth paying for.

Monday 16 October 2017

Embrace Dental Implants to Flash a Smile and Catch Eyes

cost of dental implant
The origin of modern day dental implants dates back to the disco era, by a dentist Per-Ingvar Branemark. He accidentally found that the titanium screw to stabilise a fractured bone became fused to it.  The term used for this biological observation is “osseointegration” and is immediately applied in the field of dentistry.

Dental Implants – The Risk Factors 

Dental implants are the suitable replacement for one or more missing teeth. The important factors that affect the success rate of dental implants include,

•    The absence of pain after placement

•    Lack of mobility

•    Bone maintenance around the implant site

•    Absence of infection

Tips to Improve the Success Rate of Dental Implants

Here is an exclusive list of tips to increase the success rate of getting dental implants.

•    Treat any active gum disease and remove all sources of infection from surrounding teeth.

•    Maintain your blood sugar level.

•    Quit smoking because it poses a higher risk of implant failure.

•    Choose an implant material with high longevity.

•    Opt for an effect implant procedure in a sterile environment with sufficient motion-free healing.

•    Maintain the implant surface neat and clean.

Reasons to Replace Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

Are you wondering why to replace missing teeth with implants? Well, here are a few reasons listed below.

•    Implant supported dentures are an ideal option for patients who feel uncomfortable with full dentures.

•    Getting implants helps you to restore the eating ability.

•    Lack of proper tooth support increases your chance of jaw “TMJ” pain, facial and upper neck pain.

•    Implants make a significant improvement to your breathing.

Cost of Dental Implants

In Australia, the cost of dental implants is over-inflated with dentists charging above $6000. But, some most affordable implant options cost only $2850 for full dental implant placement.

Insurance for Dental Implants

Not all insurance companies cover dental implants in their policies, but some private health insurance plans work best for you. Major dental insurance can cover the extra costs incurred in dental implants. But, keep in mind, not all health insurance plans with the major dental covers dental implants. With the right dental insurance plan, your hospital out-of-pocket costs may be reduced or even eliminated. So, before starting a dental implant procedure, you should talk to your dentist and get a quote on the total estimate for the procedure.

Here are a few factors to consider while choosing an insurance plan for dental implants.
  • If you are young single or couple, take a general cover as you have good dental health.
  • Consider major dental coverage that covers all possibilities including orthodontics, implants, and dentures if you are an elderly patient.
To get more insight on dental implants cost in Sydney, schedule an appointment with your dentist today.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Three Conditions of Wisdom Teeth You Must Know

wisdom teeth removal at reasonable cost in Sydney
Wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, will usually erupt in the early twenties or late teens. Before eruption, they begin to grow within the jawbone. Wisdom teeth are the last teeth that develops in adults, and this could be seen by taking a pantomograph (a type of X Ray). With this method, your dentist will find out any of the following three conditions before deciding to go ahead with wisdom teeth removal at reasonable cost in Sydney. Such three types include:

1.    Impacted

2.    Partially Erupted

3.    Fully Erupted


When the wisdom teeth is stuck below the gum and underneath the jawbone, it is called impacted wisdom teeth. When there’s not enough room for the tooth to grow, it tries to grow inclined towards surrounding teeth, thus leading to crowding. This is the most common form of wisdom teeth condition. When impacted, it could lead to problems such as

•    cysts or tumours that shall affect the bone, teeth and nerve tissue

•    root resorption, a phenomenon where a wisdom tooth pushes against the root of the second molar and eventually the root of the second molar is dissolved.

Partially Erupted:

A wisdom tooth that has not come all the way through the gums refers to partially erupted wisdom tooth. This is risky because it creates an open pocket in the gum, allowing food particles and bacteria to be trapped. This can lead to pains and infections as well. Problems associated with this condition includes:

•    Pericoronitis, which refers to the infection that occurs around a partially erupted wisdom teeth. This can be painful to an extent that one cannot fully open their mouth.

•    Caries, otherwise known as cavity, that forms when it is hard to clean the pocket in the gums.

•    Periodontal disease, which inflames the gums and leads to bone loss around the area.

Fully Erupted:

For those lucky few, wisdom teeth might erupt from the gums, pointing in the right direction and coming out perfectly as they have enough room to grow. Even though this is a good condition of wisdom teeth, they are subject to risks as well. The risk is more because of the positioning of the teeth.

•    Caries, which are often found with fully erupted wisdom teeth as they are positioned far back in the jaw and is difficult to be brushed.

•    Periodontal disease commonly occurs because proper oral hygiene is difficult with third molars. Brushing and flossing of fully erupted teeth is a challenge when it comes to fully erupted teeth.

Not all wisdom teeth are to be mandatorily removed. When wisdom teeth erupts properly without causing any pain and infections, you don’t have to be worried about removing it. If you encounter any of the above three conditions, deal with a wisdom teeth removal specialist in Sydney, and enjoy a stress-free life.

Monday 11 September 2017

How Much Does A Dental Implant Cost?

dental implants cost in Sydney

No two patients and their customised dental implants are exactly alike. If you make use of an experienced and qualified dental implant dentist in Sydney, then the number of procedures, appointments, and even the dental implants cost in Sydney will differ more or less accordingly. Followed by an initial examination as well as assessment, you will be offered the treatment plan, which includes the estimated number of cost and appointments. You will also be notified if there will be any changes at the time of processing. Happy to say that a dentally implanted tooth will usually last longer and even cost less than other treatments that are used to restore a tooth in case you are using a dental implant dentist with proper education & training.

Why dental implants over others:

Dental implants are typically less expensive than a long term bridge since a bridge over your natural teeth usually needs to be replaced in a frequent manner. Some other options including dentures and traditional bridges could fall short of a dental implant when it comes to the overall satisfaction of the patients. Let us imagine that your teeth may slip or click when you talk, eat or laugh. You no need to worry about these with dental implants. More than that, dental implants will indeed offer you the most beautiful and natural smile.

How much it costs:

As per the recent survey, it is estimated that a single tooth implant will cost about 3000 to 4500 dollars. The way you could get the lowest cost is by contacting cheap dental implants in Sydney, yet the important point to be kept in mind is credentialing. Every dentist could say that they provide dental implants. However, a credentialed implant dentist possesses proven experience to find out the best approach as well as the cost for you. Trust our credentialed implant dentist with the intention to answer the given below questions and also plan the treatment particularly for you. 

•    Does the cost of dental implants in Sydney include bone augmentation, extraction, soft tissue treatment, the crown, the abutment and provisional immediate load?

•    Where will be the crown manufactured?

•    What will be the size of implant?

Likewise, you can ask several other questions too.

Does insurance cover dental implants?

By recognising the long-term benefits availed by the patients as compared to other treatments, a number of insurance organisations have now started to provide some coverage. So, ask them to offer you an allowance for implants that equals the cost of traditional dentures or a bridge. You can also ask the dentist regarding financing as well as payment options.

Your teeth has the ability to affect everything ranging from your confidence and smile to your capability to speak, eat and take part in the activities that you get pleasure from. There will not be better options found to restore the lost teeth. So, dental implants are worth to discuss with a proven and experienced implant dentist as you can avail many other benefits in addition to a long-term cost advantage of dental implants.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Friday 23 June 2017

Tips to Take Care of Your Dental Implants

cost dental implant treatment in Sydney

Nowadays, the technology for teeth is pretty advanced. For those who unfortunately lose their pearly white tooth, low cost dental implant treatment in Sydney is a great option. Dental hygiene is essential for the longevity of your dental implants. You should give special attention to your oral hygiene after the dental implant surgery in Sydney. Follow the below mentioned tips to keep your dental implants functional for long:

•    Daily flossing

To maintain oral hygiene, flossing should become a part of your daily routine. Flossing helps to remove the food debris that is stuck between your teeth and implants. This prevents the growth of harmful bacteria in between your teeth and eliminates the development of gum disease and tooth decay.

•    Regular brushing

You should brush your teeth at least twice a day. Regular brushing will ensure that the growth of bacteria in between your teeth is prevented and you stay protected from tooth decay and other oral diseases. Over a 1000 bacteria and viruses have been found in the mouth. The electric brushes take less time and clean more thoroughly.

•    Professional cleaning

It is essential to have a regular teeth cleaning by a professional for healthy teeth and gum. You need to ensure that your teeth are professionally cleaned 4 times a year during the first year after placing the dental implant. It is also recommended to have quarterly cleaning intervals initially to help you establish habits that keep the soft tissues healthy. After that, your dental hygienist will be your best resource to know how often you need to have your teeth cleaned. This varies depending on patients and also ensures thorough cleaning of the teeth and gums and prevents the development of gum disease.

•    Regular dental appointments

It is very important to have regular dental implants check-ups. These regular dental examinations ensure how your dental implants are developing. If any problem arises, your dentist will give you coaching to avoid more serious problems. It also helps to spot any problems and deal with them early.

Factors such as smoking, taking Selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitors and having uncontrolled diabetes also affects the longevity of dental implants. Proper care of your dental implants may need some minor changes in your lifestyle. Dental implants can last for decades when properly taken care of. Multiple research studies from the 1990’s show single tooth implants last at least 10 years in more than 95% of patients. The same results have been shown in countless studies for full arch dental implant works. So with proper care and few lifestyle changes your dental implant last for years and you feel that the cost of dental implants in Sydney is worth given.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Friday 26 May 2017

Don’t Neglect these Dental Hygiene Tips

wisdom teeth extraction

Good oral hygiene is always very important for everyone to have a great smile! Poor oral hygiene may lead to various health issues in the future including infection, gum disease, bone loss, heart disease, strokes and more. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings help to prevent health issues and provide you with good oral hygiene. Here is a list of dental hygiene steps you can follow to promote oral hygiene.

Proper Brushing

One of the most important benefits of brushing your teeth is the prevention of tooth decay and cavities. When you take care of your teeth from the young age, you may be able to avoid the dental problems that tend to occur later in your life. Of course, it is never too late to start the habit of brushing your teeth and caring for your oral health.

Brushing at least twice a day can prevent the acid build-up caused by the bacteria. But if your routine work stops you from doing this, then thoroughly rinse your mouth with water after every meal to minimise the amount of food stuck in your teeth, which results in the formation of bacteria.


Flossing your teeth can help you remove the food particles and other substances that brushing cannot do. Flossing allows reaching deep between the teeth where the toothbrush bristles cannot reach, or mouthwash cannot wash away. Flossing at least once a day is good for your oral health.

Clean your tongue

Cleaning the surface of your tongue also help you to maintain your oral hygiene. The bacteria on your tongue can contribute to bad breath and negatively affect your dental health. By using a professional tongue cleaner, you tend to remove countless bacteria that live on the rougher top surface of your tongue.

Avoid Tobacco

Avoiding tobacco will be a big favour to your teeth. It can save you from effects caused by the agents used to mask the smell of tobacco. For example, if you smoke a cigarette, you may use some masking substances like candies, tea or coffee to avoid the smoky breath and odour. This doubles the amount of damage caused to your teeth. Avoiding tobacco will also save you from oral cancer and periodontal complications.

Limit Sodas, Coffee, and Alcohol

Although soda, coffee, and alcohol contain phosphorous, which is a necessary mineral for a healthy mouth, it can deplete the level of calcium in your body. And it causes dental hygiene problems including gum disease and tooth decay. Therefore, it is better to have milk, which helps strengthen your teeth and build stronger enamel, thus giving you a healthy, beautiful smile. Also, water hydrates your body longer than sugary drinks.

Visit Your Dentist

It is advisable to visit your Sydney dentist at least twice in a year to have a full dental check-up. Also during these appointments, a comprehensive examination is done with x-rays to help detect and prevent the dental problems occurring in the future.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

wisdom teeth removal in Sydney

Wisdom teeth were the answer to our ancestor’s early food style which includes coarse foods like nuts, roots, leaves, and meats that needs more munching power and resulted in excessive wear of their teeth. Now, the modern diet with its very soft foods, along with the modern technologies like spoons, forks and knives, has made the requirement for wisdom teeth non-existent. As a result, biologists categorise wisdom teeth as a body part that has become functionless due to advancement in technologies. 

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Wait Longer to Erupt?

The tooth development, from a baby’s primary teeth to his/her permanent teeth, takes place in a systematic order, with the first molar erupting at the age of 6 and the second molar around the age of 12. Wisdom teeth that begin forming at the age of 10 are the last set of molars, so they generally don’t erupt until you are between 17 and 25. Since this is the age that people are said to become wiser, this set of teeth has been nicknamed as “wisdom teeth”.

There are also a number of people who never get wisdom teeth, but for those who have, the number will be between one and four. According to some studies, on very rare occasions, more than four wisdom teeth may grow. Scientific works has yet to be able to explain why the number of wisdom teeth per individual varies. But for those who do get these unnecessary or extra teeth, it can lead to many problems.

Why Wisdom Teeth Create Problems?

Since human jaws have become smaller, when wisdom teeth erupt they often become blocked or impacted, by the other teeth around them. Likewise, if the wisdom tooth partially erupts, the food particles can get trapped in the gum tissue surrounding it, which will lead to bacteria growth and, possibly, very serious infection.

A wisdom tooth that does not erupt but remains stuck away can also lead to oral problems including crowding or displacement of permanent teeth. On very rare occasions, a cyst may form in the soft tissue surrounding the impacted wisdom tooth. These cysts will lead to jaw expansion, bone destruction, or damage to the surrounding teeth. Even more uncommonly, tumours can also develop in the cysts, which can lead to the jaw spontaneously breaking if the cyst or tumour grows too much. You should follow your dentist’s advice to stay free of gum disease.

There are few people in Sydney having wisdom teeth that function just as well as every other tooth in the mouth. As a result they do not need to undergo wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. But, we cannot predict when the third molar complications will occur, and some of the studies estimate that about 85% of wisdom teeth will eventually need to be removed.

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

Dr Paulo Pinho is an experienced dental surgeon who has worked closely with oral surgeons for 15 years in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Dr Pinho has limited his practice to wisdom teeth extraction and dental implants, working closely with other oral surgeons. Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000