Sunday 31 July 2016

Aftercare Tips to Speed up Wisdom Teeth Healing

The removal of impacted wisdom teeth is a serious procedure and the risks of unnecessary pain and the complications of infection and swelling is more. However, following a proper post-operative care helps you to minimise these risks and enables fast recovery. The speed of recovery may vary from person to person but an experienced oral surgeon in Sydney can provide you an expert advice on how to ease any pain and help recovery of the area after wisdom tooth removal.

Tips to Follow Immediately After Surgery

    A gauze pad should be placed over the surgical area at least for half an hour and after that the gauze pad should be removed.

    Avoid vigorous mouth rinsing and it may initiate bleeding by causing the blood clot that has formed to become dislodged.

    As you begin to feel discomfort, take the prescribed medications at regular intervals of time in the right amount.

    Place ice packs on the sides of your face to avoid facial swelling.

    Take small sips while drinking and avoid hot drinks.

After 24 Hours of Surgery

    Avoid solid foods and eat only soft foods while necessary.

    Use salt water to rinse your mouth and prevent wound infection, and avoid using mouth washes with chemical ingredients for few days.

    Applying Chlorhexidine over the wound to improve healing time by killing bacteria at the site.

    The stitches placed will dissolve away over a week or two, if it’s not schedule an appointment with the best oral surgeon in Sydney to get the stiches removed.

Foods to Avoid Eating After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After the wisdom teeth removal, one should modify their diet plan to prevent secondary side effects. Here is a list of few foods you should avoid for a quick recovery.

Hot and Spicy Food

As the hot temperatures initiates the breakdown of the blood clot in the socket and can lead to dry socket or infection, you should avoid taking hot and spicy food for first few days. Opt for soft foods such as vegetable soup, mashed potatoes or soft pasta in room temperature.


Soda and carbonated drinks should be avoided since they can weaken blood clot and increase the risk that it will dislodge in your mouth. But remain hydrated to keep your oral mucosa moist and the clots in place.


Don’t drink alcohol for at least 24 hours after wisdom teeth removal. Also, consult your oral surgeon to find out if alcohol will interfere with any pain medication you are taking after the surgery.

In addition to these, say no to foods that contain small seeds, such as sesame seeds or poppy seed. Because, these small grains and seeds can get lodged in the tooth sockets causing more discomfort and pain.

Dr Paulo Pinho, the leading dental surgeon in both Melbourne and Sydney offer you more aftercare tips to take good care of your dental implants. Visit

Tuesday 26 July 2016

What You Ought to Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom teeth are the great assets when they are healthy and properly aligned. Generally, these are the third and final set of molars that most people get in their late teens or early twenties. If misaligned, it causes troubles while speaking and eating, and it becomes inevitable to get them removed.

Why Wisdom Teeth Causes Pain or Trouble?

When misaligned, these teeth are positioned horizontally and are angled toward or away from the second molar. This poor alignment of wisdom teeth results in the damage of adjacent teeth, the jawbone, or nerves.

In other cases, wisdom teeth only partially break through or erupt through the gum and allow an opening for bacteria to enter around the tooth and cause an infection, which results in pain, swelling, jaw stiffness, and general illness.

How this Condition is detected and Wisdom Teeth are removed?

The positioning of your wisdom teeth can be determined using X-ray. After a careful analysis of the report, your emergency dentist in Sydney may recommend that your wisdom teeth be extracted even before problems develop. While the extraction process, a wisdom tooth that is underneath the gums and embedded in the jawbone will require an incision into the gums and then removal of the portion of bone that lies over the tooth.

The teeth and the surrounding tissues are numbed with a local anaesthetic before wisdom teeth removal or a sedative medication like laughing gas or any other oral sedative is injected to control any anxiety.

Recovery Steps

The speed of your recovery after getting a wisdom teeth removal depends on the degree of difficulty of the extraction. Following are the steps to be taken to ensure quick recovery from wisdom teeth removal.

    If bleeding persists even after several hours of removal, position a piece of clean moist gauze over the empty tooth socket and bite down firmly. Avoid any sucking auctions or rinsing or spitting for 24 hours after tooth extraction to minimise bleeding. In case of heavy bleeding contact emergency dentists in Sydney for better results.

    Place a piece of ice, wrapped in a cloth over the swollen area on a schedule of 10 minutes on and 20 minutes off followed by to minimise swelling.

    Antibiotics should be taken continuously until the full prescription is over.

    Avoid solid foods until all the numbness from anaesthesia has worn off and eat only soft foods for few days.

    Resume gentle brushing of your teeth on the day two following wisdom teeth removal and avoid using commercial mouth washes because they cause irritation in the extraction site.

The cost of extraction and the hospital fees will vary depending on the hospital you choose for your surgery, payment plans and financial options they cover.

Dr Paulo Pinho, dental surgeon working in both Melbourne and Sydney is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic. Visit for more information.