Friday, 24 June 2016

Tips to Improve the Success Rate of Dental Implants

For those people who keep their lips sealed while smiling to hide the void of their missing teeth, dental implant is a viable option. In the recent years, with a rapidly growing rate of dental problems like tooth decay, gingivitis (gum disease), or injury, millions of people suffer tooth loss and turn towards dental implant to replace their missing teeth. Unlike dentures and bridges, implants are designed to fuse with bone strongly and often made to look like a natural tooth.

Even though the success rate of dental implant in Sydney is high say 98% approximately, few edentulous patients have a risk of dental implant rejection or failure. Smoking, diabetes or lack of implant maintenance during the recovery period leads to implant failure. Also, many reports quote that many patients struggle to keep their dentures secure, particularly in the lower jaw. If you are the one who fear dental implant failure, we have compiled a list of pre and post-operative instructions to push up your implant success rate.

Pre-op Instructions

•    Avoid eating food or drinking water six hours before the appointment.
•    Wear comfortable and loose fitting clothing that can easily be rolled up above both elbows.
•    Head to the clinic with a responsible person if you have intravenous sedation. 
•    Thoroughly rinse and clean your mouth to avoid any infections.
•    Call and postpone your appointment if you experience a head or chest cold prior to the surgery.

Post-Op Instructions

•    Place gauze bad directly on the wound for 30 minutes to avoid excessive bleeding. If the wound bleeds persistently, make an appointment with your dentist soon.
•    Swelling is a normal occurring and this can be reduced by apply an ice bag, or a plastic bag, or towel filled with ice on the cheek in the area of surgery.
•    Avoid hot liquids and fluids after surgery and stick to a liquid diet for two days. Slowly begin eating soft foods and then return to a normal diet as soon as possible unless otherwise directed.
•    Follow your dentist’s prescription and make sure to take the anti-biotic regularly as directed to help prevent infection.
•    Maintain good oral hygiene since it’s essential for good healing of the wound. Rinse your mouth thoroughly to expel tiny food particles sticking between the teeth and consider warm salt-water rinses at least 4-5 times a day.
•    Don’t get back to your physical activities immediately after the surgery because throbbing or bleeding may occur.

Elderly or people with osteoporosis, smokers, diabetics or people who have had cancer are sometimes not eligible to receive dental implants as their bones are unable to correctly integrate the new prostheses which replace the root. In such cases, getting an implant coating with a novel biodegradable material improves the success rate of Sydney dental implants.

Are you looking for dental implants in Sydney? Contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a certified oral surgeon specialising in dental implants in Sydney. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Why Should You Consider Dental Implants?

When you lose a tooth, you may experience some difficulty in your day-to-day activities such as eating and speaking. Even though modern dental restorative techniques have conducted to a considerable reduction in the number of teeth that are being extracted each year, many people still have one or more teeth missing. According to a study, around 70% of people aged 35 to 44 have lost at least one of their natural teeth. In case you are one of these people looking for a permanent replacement option for a missing tooth, dental implants should be your first choice. Sydney dental implants can give back your smile and make you look beautiful again.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are fixtures that are embedded within the jaw bone and replace the natural teeth by supporting the prosthesis, which can be a removable crown or fixed denture. After the dental implants have been fixed, bone formation occurs to surround the implant. It results in a firm anchorage and stability of the artificial tooth.

How Do Dental Implants in Sydney Work?

The durability and the success of the dental implant depend on the ability to form contact with the surrounding jaw bone. Known as osseointegration, this process makes sure that any prosthesis that is placed over the implant is going to be stable and retained. It will restore the optimal functioning of the artificial tooth.

Who Should Get Dental Implants?

Usually, any person who has one or more missing teeth should have implants. You should consider getting an implant if:

•    You want to replace your missing natural teeth
•    Restore the way your smile looks
•    Eat and speak without any difficulties
•    Get rid of dentures

Why Are Dental Implants Better Than Other Dental Procedures?

Being a more convenient and durable option for missing teeth, dental implants are gaining more popularity. Let’s see why you may prefer them over dentures and bridges:

1.    You can enjoy a beautiful smile. The loss of a tooth can ruin your smile. Esthetically pleasing, the dental prosthesis is getting placed over the implants in your mouth. This way, you get back your beautiful smile.

2.    Implants are more durable. They are specially designed to last forever. If you take proper care of your implants, as the dentist says, you can expect your implants to last a lifetime.

3.    Implants require minimal tooth preparation. When the dentist prepares to put on bridges, he or she needs to prepare the adjacent teeth as well. Dental implants do not require any preparation at all.

4.    Consume any food you like. The dental implants are just like your natural teeth. You don’t need to worry about not being able to chew on foods that you like. The implants will be resistant and resilient. It’s just like having your natural teeth in place.

Dental implants in Sydney offer you comfort. As said earlier, dental implants are just like natural teeth. It means you will get the same level of comfort.

If you are looking for dental implants in Sydney, contact Dr. Paulo Pinho, a certified oral surgeon who has over 15 years of experience in dental industry especially dental implants. To know more, visit or Call 1300 721 184