Monday 6 August 2018

A Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal Facts

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Sydney

Having wisdom teeth removed can be a scary thought for many. Yes, people mistakenly believe that wisdom teeth removal is a painful and a costly procedure. But it is not true. It is not as bad as you imagine. 

The wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney is affordable, and it is a painless procedure. You can extract your wisdom tooth without experiencing any pain. You may experience little discomfort after the surgery, and it is manageable. Wisdom teeth removal is a quick and a standard procedure in dentistry. Millions of Australians remove their wisdom teeth in a year.


Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that usually erupt in the ages between 17 and 25. Since there is not enough space in the jawline to accommodate these third molars, they get trapped under the gum and become impacted. An impacted wisdom tooth can cause an array of dental problems. This is the reason why dentists recommend removal.

Let’s go over some of the frequently asked questions on wisdom teeth removal in this blog so that you will have a clear picture about wisdom tooth extraction.

•    Type of impaction

•    Number teeth to be pulled out

•    Type of Anaesthesia 

•    The complexity of the procedure

•    Experience of the dentist

These are the factors that determine the cost of extraction. While removing your teeth, consider cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney.

When to see a dentist?

If you experience any one of the following signs, visit your dentist immediately. 

•    Inflamed gum near wisdom teeth

•    Throbbing pain

•    Fever

•    Bad breath

•    Difficulty opening your mouth and swallowing

What are the problems caused by wisdom teeth removal?

•    Damage to other nearby teeth: A crooked wisdom tooth can crash into the root of nearby teeth that misaligns the teeth structure.

•    Tooth decay: If the wisdom tooth has partially emerged, it cannot be cleaned properly which leads to tooth decay.

•    Formation of cyst: An impacted wisdom tooth can create a cyst, and it damages the jawbone of supporting teeth and the roots of adjacent teeth. 

•    Gum disease: if a wisdom tooth starts to emerge through gum line, bacteria can easily step through this opening which leads to infection.

When is the best time to extract wisdom teeth?

•    A wisdom tooth should be removed before they cause any problems

•    Get the procedure done when the tooth has not fully developed

•    Extract your wisdom teeth when you are mentally and physically healthy

How long does it take to heal after a wisdom tooth extraction?

The recovery will be quick only if you follow the post-operative care instructions given by your dentist or oral surgeon strictly. Normally, it takes gum tissue about 2 to 3 weeks to heal completely. However, you can resume your normal activities within a week.

The cost of wisdom teeth removal Sydney is economical. So remove your wisdom teeth as early as possible.

Saturday 21 July 2018

Wisdom Teeth Extraction and What Should You Know About It

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Sydney

Wisdom teeth, the third molars grow during the teens or twenties. They were useful for our ancestors who lose their teeth at early stages because of their food habits. But now, we don’t lose any of our teeth by teens, and these wisdom teeth will have no space to grow in our mouth.

They will push the adjacent teeth or will grow impacted, both resulting in severe pain. So it is better suggested by dentists to have them pulled off at the early stage.

Wisdom teeth extraction is a common dental procedure, but no one looks forward to experiencing it. When the dentist breaks, it is time for the removal people go worried. To help you get ready for affordable wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney, here are some truths you need to know about the procedure.

1. It Is A Standard Dental Procedure:

It is the extraction or removal of one or more third molars, located at the top and bottom of the back side of the mouth. Not everyone develops all four wisdom teeth, luckily some get one or two or sometimes none.

2. Wisdom Teeth When Kept Untreated Can Result In Health Problems:

Having the third molars grow is not a bad dream, but it becomes a problem when it starts affecting your health.  You may not know, but wisdom teeth can cause infections, tumours, cyst, and also damage adjacent teeth and gums. The infection can spread to vital organs like the heart and kidney at an advanced stage. Typically, these are the conditions that may occur when the tooth grows impacted, but it can also result in tooth decay with fully grown molars. As they are located at the hard to reach areas, they are difficult to clean and are vulnerable to tooth decay.

3. It Is Best To Have Them Removed Early:

According to experts having cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney is best when they are not fully developed. This probably is within the person's teenage and twenties. Removing the teeth early prevents any complications and risks.

4. Wisdom Teeth Problems Can Be Asymptomatic:

Feeling no discomfort, swelling or pain in the back of your mouth doesn't mean your wisdom teeth are problem free. There are many cases where problems develop with no symptoms. The best way to monitor their growth is to have regular dental check-ups.

5. Aftercare Post Affordable Cost Of Wisdom Teeth Removal In Sydney Is Easy:

During the procedure, you will be admitted with anaesthesia and will feel no pain. After the surgery, the dentist will give you pain relievers to use in case you feel any discomfort. With some extra care in diets, you can manage your recovery easily. Take ice cream, yogurts and smoothies.  These cold fares can help lessen swelling and bleeding if any. Who will say no to this diet? 

So with these facts hope you are now ready to have affordable wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Few Dental Implants Aftercare Tips

affordable dental implants in Sydney

A dental implant treatment is the best option to replace your missing tooth. You can undergo affordable dental implants in Sydney for single tooth replacement, multiple tooth replacement or even for full arch replacement. Initially, you need to consult with your dentist to get the clear idea about your jawbone and your dental health. First, your dentist will take x-rays of your mouth and know the condition of your jawbones and tell whether you are a good candidate for dental implants treatment. If you are a good candidate for dental implants, your dentist will undergo implants treatment.

During the treatment, your dentist will place the screw-like implants made of biocompatible titanium material into your jawbone. Once the implant gets integrated with your jawbones, your dentist will place the crown on your implants. Then the implants act similar to your natural tooth. So you can speak, eat and laugh without any hesitation. However, dental implants cost in Sydney is expensive, with proper care and maintenance, your dental implants can last a lifetime.

Aftercare procedures

•    After the procedure, you should not rinse your mouth for nearly 24 hours, since it may not allow your surgical site to get clot. After a day, you can rinse your mouth gently using salt with warm water. This helps to prevent the formation of germs and bacteria inside your mouth.

•    You need to avoid smoking after the dental implants treatment since it affects your implants badly. If you smoke after the treatment, it may not allow your wound to clot and the healing may take more time. Sometimes due to smoking, you may end up with implant failure. So avoid smoking after the implants treatment at least till the wound has healed.

•    Avoid alcohol to speed up your recovery process. Avoiding alcohol will allow your gingivae to heal, so avoid alcohol at least for two weeks after the procedure.

•    Cleaning your teeth is essential to speed up your healing process. For cleaning your implants you no need to take any special care as like dentures. You can just clean your implants by brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day regularly. This will help you avoid the growth of germs and bacteria in your mouth.

•    Avoid hot foods for few days after undergoing cheap dental implants in Sydney so that you can recovery earlier. Have liquid foods for few days after the treatment. But avoid straw while having any liquids since it will affect the clot on your wound.

•    After three or four days of the surgery, move on to soft foods such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, purees, etc. Once your wound gets healed, you can start your normal diet with your dentist advice.

Keeping these dental implant aftercare tips, you can speed up your recovery process and get to normal in a short period.

Thursday 23 November 2017

Important Facts You Need To Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost Sydney

wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney
 At some point of time, you will find it necessary to remove the wisdom teeth. Also known as ‘third molars’, wisdom tooth erupts when an individual is between 17-25 years of age. The development of wisdom tooth may cause a lot of complications. People mostly have 4 wisdom teeth having one in each corner. If there are complications and problems, the wisdom tooth has to be extracted. This complication may result from impaction. If there is not enough space in your jaws in order to accommodate the wisdom tooth, there will be pain. Apart from impaction, there may be several other problems. Shifting of other teeth, misalignment of teeth can cause a tooth ache, necessitating the need for removing the wisdom teeth. For wisdom teeth removal, you must approach an expert. For an impacted tooth removal, you may get in touch with maxillofacial surgeon or an oral surgeon and specialist. When you approach the tooth surgeon, enquire about the wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney. The cost of removing wisdom tooth depends on the procedure adopted for the removal.

The cost of removing a single wisdom tooth

If the wisdom tooth needs to be extracted in a simple manner with the use of local anesthetic, the cost will come around to $100-$200 per tooth. If 4 of your wisdom teeth need to be removed with non-surgical procedure, the cost will be $400-$800 for four teeth.

The cost of removing impacted tooth

If there is an instance of impacted wisdom teeth, you need to consider wisdom teeth removal Sydney. If local anesthetic is to be used for removing an impacted tooth, the cost can come around to $225-$600. In case, nitrous oxide is to be used to relax the patient, an additional cost of $50-$80 needs to be borne. When it comes to the price of tooth removal, the kind of impaction influences the price. If the impaction is just of soft tissue, it will cost you the least.

Dental insurance is the viable option

If you have dental insurance, it can cover 20% of the cost. Some of the dental plans prove very handy and useful as they offer the coverage of $1000-$2000 annually. A single impacted tooth removal can cost $300-$600 if you do not hold insurance.

Avail a package deal

For the ones who wish for cheap wisdom teeth removal Sydney, they can consider taking a package for the removal of all 4 teeth. Most of the oral surgeons and dentists offer package deal for extracting 4 teeth. Apart from this, there are many regions offering tooth removal services at cheaper rates. The best would be to compare the price rates among the dental clinics.

So, if you have impacted tooth, you can get that removed in a hospital or an office. The process is easy and does not consume much time.

Thursday 9 November 2017

How Dental Implants Sydney Can Improve the Quality Of Life

Dental implants Sydney
Dental implants Sydney are the ideal option for those who have a missing tooth due to decay, damage or accident. Not only for health purposes, dental implant are chosen for some cosmetic reasons too, as it can retrieve the beautiful smile by fixing dental crown at the spot where the tooth is missing. Dental implants act as a guard for dental bridges and dentures without damaging the surrounding teeth. We could agree with those benefits of dental implants, but it also improves the quality of life in an optimal manner.

Let’s pay heed below to know how dental implants Sydney can improve the quality of life.

Dental Implants Sydney Restore Mouth Function

When you have lost a tooth or multiple teeth, your face will appear unpleasant and it affects the way you speak. Also you can’t be able to bite and chew as usual. The reason behind this is that your bone growth is hindered due to tooth loss.  Opting dental implants can stimulate your bone growth and maintain the facial structure. When you receive dental implants from an experienced dentist, you can able to restore the function of your teeth completely and chew & bite just like your natural tooth.

Long Lasting

Though having dental implants is costly, it is totally cost effective and worth the money you spend. Dental implants have the potential to last longer; this feature makes it more significant and improves the quality of life. Once your dental implants fixed, you can feel as usual like your natural teeth. You no longer have to worry about the missing tooth and the longevity of the dental implants. Since the dental implants cost Sydney is costly, people show little concern on getting it without knowing the long lasting ability of implants.

You can be Tension Free of Moving Dentures

Due to the bone loss your denture can lose its grip over time, so that you need to change your dentures regularly to keep dentures fit and comfort; Because of this, patients are not interested in wearing dentures.

Dentures give glow to your face and increase confidence, simultaneously it needs to be removed and replaced often which is time consuming and annoying too. If you opt for dental implants you will be free from denture loose-fittings, since it can be fixed in one position throughout the day. You can create implant-retained denture that can be fitted obstinately in the mouth that will give confidence to the patients to eat, drink, and laugh without concerning about the denture loose fittings.

Natural Look

Most of the people prefer dental implants as it gives natural look and perfectly matches with the surrounding teeth. Your dental will be more natural as pearl white if you receive dental crown that is fixed in the spot of missing tooth.

People reject having dental implants due to the cost of dental implants in Sydney is little higher. But the above benefits make dental implants cost worth paying for.

Monday 16 October 2017

Embrace Dental Implants to Flash a Smile and Catch Eyes

cost of dental implant
The origin of modern day dental implants dates back to the disco era, by a dentist Per-Ingvar Branemark. He accidentally found that the titanium screw to stabilise a fractured bone became fused to it.  The term used for this biological observation is “osseointegration” and is immediately applied in the field of dentistry.

Dental Implants – The Risk Factors 

Dental implants are the suitable replacement for one or more missing teeth. The important factors that affect the success rate of dental implants include,

•    The absence of pain after placement

•    Lack of mobility

•    Bone maintenance around the implant site

•    Absence of infection

Tips to Improve the Success Rate of Dental Implants

Here is an exclusive list of tips to increase the success rate of getting dental implants.

•    Treat any active gum disease and remove all sources of infection from surrounding teeth.

•    Maintain your blood sugar level.

•    Quit smoking because it poses a higher risk of implant failure.

•    Choose an implant material with high longevity.

•    Opt for an effect implant procedure in a sterile environment with sufficient motion-free healing.

•    Maintain the implant surface neat and clean.

Reasons to Replace Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

Are you wondering why to replace missing teeth with implants? Well, here are a few reasons listed below.

•    Implant supported dentures are an ideal option for patients who feel uncomfortable with full dentures.

•    Getting implants helps you to restore the eating ability.

•    Lack of proper tooth support increases your chance of jaw “TMJ” pain, facial and upper neck pain.

•    Implants make a significant improvement to your breathing.

Cost of Dental Implants

In Australia, the cost of dental implants is over-inflated with dentists charging above $6000. But, some most affordable implant options cost only $2850 for full dental implant placement.

Insurance for Dental Implants

Not all insurance companies cover dental implants in their policies, but some private health insurance plans work best for you. Major dental insurance can cover the extra costs incurred in dental implants. But, keep in mind, not all health insurance plans with the major dental covers dental implants. With the right dental insurance plan, your hospital out-of-pocket costs may be reduced or even eliminated. So, before starting a dental implant procedure, you should talk to your dentist and get a quote on the total estimate for the procedure.

Here are a few factors to consider while choosing an insurance plan for dental implants.
  • If you are young single or couple, take a general cover as you have good dental health.
  • Consider major dental coverage that covers all possibilities including orthodontics, implants, and dentures if you are an elderly patient.
To get more insight on dental implants cost in Sydney, schedule an appointment with your dentist today.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Three Conditions of Wisdom Teeth You Must Know

wisdom teeth removal at reasonable cost in Sydney
Wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, will usually erupt in the early twenties or late teens. Before eruption, they begin to grow within the jawbone. Wisdom teeth are the last teeth that develops in adults, and this could be seen by taking a pantomograph (a type of X Ray). With this method, your dentist will find out any of the following three conditions before deciding to go ahead with wisdom teeth removal at reasonable cost in Sydney. Such three types include:

1.    Impacted

2.    Partially Erupted

3.    Fully Erupted


When the wisdom teeth is stuck below the gum and underneath the jawbone, it is called impacted wisdom teeth. When there’s not enough room for the tooth to grow, it tries to grow inclined towards surrounding teeth, thus leading to crowding. This is the most common form of wisdom teeth condition. When impacted, it could lead to problems such as

•    cysts or tumours that shall affect the bone, teeth and nerve tissue

•    root resorption, a phenomenon where a wisdom tooth pushes against the root of the second molar and eventually the root of the second molar is dissolved.

Partially Erupted:

A wisdom tooth that has not come all the way through the gums refers to partially erupted wisdom tooth. This is risky because it creates an open pocket in the gum, allowing food particles and bacteria to be trapped. This can lead to pains and infections as well. Problems associated with this condition includes:

•    Pericoronitis, which refers to the infection that occurs around a partially erupted wisdom teeth. This can be painful to an extent that one cannot fully open their mouth.

•    Caries, otherwise known as cavity, that forms when it is hard to clean the pocket in the gums.

•    Periodontal disease, which inflames the gums and leads to bone loss around the area.

Fully Erupted:

For those lucky few, wisdom teeth might erupt from the gums, pointing in the right direction and coming out perfectly as they have enough room to grow. Even though this is a good condition of wisdom teeth, they are subject to risks as well. The risk is more because of the positioning of the teeth.

•    Caries, which are often found with fully erupted wisdom teeth as they are positioned far back in the jaw and is difficult to be brushed.

•    Periodontal disease commonly occurs because proper oral hygiene is difficult with third molars. Brushing and flossing of fully erupted teeth is a challenge when it comes to fully erupted teeth.

Not all wisdom teeth are to be mandatorily removed. When wisdom teeth erupts properly without causing any pain and infections, you don’t have to be worried about removing it. If you encounter any of the above three conditions, deal with a wisdom teeth removal specialist in Sydney, and enjoy a stress-free life.